Neobux - Tidak Hanya sekedar Nge-Klik

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Neobux adalah platform PTC (Paid to Click) yang memiliki rangking terbagus di Alexa. Dengan PTC ini, pada dasarnya Anda bisa mendapatkan dollar dengan mengklik iklan, ada juga Mini Jobs, Neopoints, dan Coin. Tidak perlu biaya apapun untuk mendaftar. Modal yang paling utama dalam PTC ini yaitu kesabaran dan memiliki strategi. Dalam Neobux, dimungkinkan untuk memperoleh pendapatan yang tinggi, umumnya setelah upgrade member dari Standard ke Golden maupun Ultimate, semua itu dilalui dengan ketekunan dalam mengelola manajemen. Penghasilan dari member Neobux bervariasi, dari sen sampai ratusan dollar per bulan. Yang penting adalah terus belajar, sabar mengelola, dan menetapkan target penghasilan perbulan bertahap, mulai kecil terus konsisten membesar.  

NEOBUX - pertama kali diperkenalkan pada tanggal 25 Maret 2008 dan pembukaan resmi dilakuan satu bulan setelah itu, pada tanggal 30 April 2008.

Pada saat ini, Neobux memiliki lebih dari 20 + juta pengguna terdaftar, 21 + miliar visualisasi iklan, dan $ 87.000.000 saat ini telah dibayarkan kepada anggotanya

Pada dasarnya, member mengklik pada iklan yang ada dan melihatnya selama jumlah waktu yang ditentukan oleh pengiklan. Setelah melihat iklan, pengguna akan mendapatkan uang dengan jumlah yang telah ditentukan di rekening NeoBux mereka.

Ada beberapa cara dan strategi dalam menghasilkan uang di Neobux:
1. melalui klik iklan langsung, baik dari hasil klik sendiri, plus dari klik iklan dari direct referral, maupun rented referral, 
2. mengerjakan tugas-tugas di mini jobs dari CrowdFlower, baik dilakukan sendiri (dapat bonus 12% per pendapatan $1), maupun perolehan komisi 12% dari direct referral. Penghasilan dari Mini Jobs lumayan, ini contohnya.
3. mengerjakan tugas-tugas untuk mendapatakan point dan coin. 
4.  atau kombinasi dari semuanya, tapi yang wajib adalah yang nomor 1.

Di Neobux, Anda bisa memulainya dengan modal untuk sewa referral, maupun tanpa modal sama sekali (kecuali internet, komputer dan mouse tentunya).

Untuk mencoba dengan modalpun, Anda bisa memulainya tanpa harus merogoh kocek Anda, Anda bisa dapatkan dollar dengan mudah melalui beberapa hal, misalnya melalui aplikasi Android dan mengikuti survey dengan imbalan dollar yang semuanya bisa diakses dengan Paypal, atau Payza. Setelah mendapatkan beberapa dollar, saat yang paling asyik untuk memasukkan sebagian ke Neobux untuk sewa referral.  Pastikan Anda memiliki akun verified di Paypal, atau Payza, karena melalui prosesor pembayaran ini uang Anda dikirim ke rekening bank Anda.

Sambil terus belajar, silahkan mendaftar gratis dan mulai klik iklan. Bookmark halaman ini, dan sambil ber neobux ria, terus pelajari panduan seputar Neobux bagian bawah artikel ini, referensi dari master-master di forum Neobux (terima kasih buat Schen2000).  Ingat, 15 hari pertama setelah mendaftar adalah waktu ujian pertama member baru untuk bersabar untuk klik iklan. 


Neobux  Kalkulator

Untuk estimasi pendapatan dari klik iklan gunakan kalkulator frame neobux dibawah. Masukkan jumlah referral dan klik rata-rata, hasil tersebut selanjutnya dicek dengan pengeluaran untuk sewa, recycle, biaya membership (untuk Golden), sisanya adalah hasil bersih pendapatan Anda

Dengan klik AdPrize (100% gratis), Anda memiliki kesempatan mendapatkan hadiah hanya dengan melihat iklan.

AdPrize secara otomatis direset dengan kondisi seperti berikut:
- 90 menit setelah mendapatkan kesempatan AdPrize dari klik.
- Setelah waktu reset lokal.
- Jika pihak pengiklan mencabut iklan.

Jumlah kesempatan yang diperoleh:
Untuk tiap iklan yang dilihat atua diklik, apapun jenisnya, Anda mendapat 3 kesempatan bermain Adprize.

Kapan dan bagaimana hadiah akan diberikan?
Otomatis dan langsung.

Jenis hadiah harian:
Saat ini senilai total $9000, sebagai berikut:
(jumlah nya bervariasi)

Free Golden membership

Hadiah uang akan dimasukkan main balance.

Hadiah point: (sebelumnya dikenal dengan NeoPoint)
10 Points
100 Points
1000 Points
10000 Points

Tidak ada batas dalam perolehan jumlah hadiah atau uang. Semua tergantung keberuntungan.

Apakah saya harus membayar untuk bermain AdPrize?
Tidak, tak satupun member baik user atau pengiklan mengeluarkan uang untuk mendapat AdPrize.

Apakah hadaiah uang dapat di withdraw?
Ya, hadiah-hadiah tersebut akan dimasukkan dalam main balance, sehingga Anda bisa bebas menggunakannya.

Jika sudah menjadi Golden member, apa yang terjadi ketika mendapatkan hadiah Golden member?
Jika Anda sudah menjadi member Golden, maka keanggotaan Anda ditambah satu tahun lagi. Jika belum Golden, Anda akan diupgrade keanggotaannya menjadi Golden selama setahun.
SALDO / BALANCES (main balance, rental balance & golden pack balance)
Main balance / Saldo Utama :
Semua perolehan dari klik Anda, rentered refs, direct refs. mini jobs, cash offer, adprize, dan lain-lain masuk ke Main Balance.

Berikut hal-hal yang perlu diketahui:
1. Anda tidak bisa deposit dana ke main balance.
2. Anda bisa menraik (cashout) keseluruhan dana.
(Sebagian dana yang tidak ditarik, bisa ditransfer ke Rental Balance (Saldo Sewa).
3. Gunakan balance ini untuk upgrade ke Golden membership.
4. Gunakan balance ini untuk membayar pasang iklan.
5. Mentransfer sejumlah dana ke rental balance untuk membayar sewa rented refs.
6. Di dalam forum neobux, status balance yang ditunjukkan adalah Main Balance.

Main balance bisa juga dianggap sebagai fitur tambahan. Misalnya jika tidak cukup dana untuk sewa referral pada rental Balance untuk membayar rented refs, renewal, recycle. Maka biaya tersebut akan otomatis diambil dari Main Balance.

Rental balance / Saldo Sewa:
1. Anda bisa menaruh deposit dana ke Rental Balance,
2. Anda tidak bisa menggunakannya untuk pembelian apapun, termasuk cashot dari Rental Balance.
3. Rental balance dipergunakan untuk melakukan pembayaran dalam proses memanajemen referral (renting, extending, recycling, AutoPay, etc.)

Golden pack balance / Saldo Golden Pack:
1. Dana di Saldo ini tidak bisa di cashout,
2. Tidak bisa dipergunakan membeli keanggotaan Golden,
3. Saldo ini digunakan untuk membeli paket Golden/ Golden Packs seperti Emerald, Saphhire, Platinum, Diamond, dan Ultimate pack).

Current average/Rata-rata terkini:
Adalah rata-rata klik rented referral hari ini dibagi dengan jumlah rented referral.


740 klik / 2000 refs = 0.37 Current average

Projected average/rata-rata proyeksi(prediksi):
Adalah nilai rata-rata yang kemungkinan tercapai pada akhir hari.

Rumus Projected average adalah:
Current avg. * 1440 jumlah menit per hari / menit yang sudah berlalu. (paatokan pada tengah malam waktu lokal)

Current avg. = 0.37
Waktu sekarang = 11:45 = (60*11+45) = 705 menit

0.37 * 1440 / 705 = 0.75 Projected average

Seiring waktu, 2 jenis rata-rata ini (current dan projected) akan mencapai angka yang sama saat hari berakhir.


Apakah Direct Purchases / Pembelian langsung?

Direct purchases adalah semua pembelian dan transfer yang diproses melalui main balance (Saldo Utama).

Dinamakan langsung, karena prosesnya langsung, karena mengurangi kerumitan, daripada proses cashout dulu kemudian melakukan proses pembelian.

Pembelian langsung bisa berupa pembayaran AutoPay, transfer ke balance yang lain, dan sabagainya.

Pembelian diluar itu tidak dimasukkan dalam total Direct purchase. (misal pembelian iklan, dsb.)
GOLDEN PACKS Ultimate Platinum Diamond Emerald Sapphire AND FEATURES

Bagaimana cara membeli paket Golden.

Persyaratan minimalnya adalah:
Anda harus menajdi member Golden terlebih dahulu dengan minimal 100 klik.

Klik tanda + pada Golden Pack Balance.

Tambahkan dana yang diperlukan, dan Anda akan melihat pilihan paket Golden Packs.
Misalnya $890 untuk paket Ultimate.

Untuk upgrade antar paket, and bisa menghubungi Contact Support:

Hal ini berlaku untuk Paket Ultimate saja.
Jika Anda memiliki sisa waktu 6 bulan atau lebih (tapi kurang dari 12 bulan) pada Golden Membership Anda, dan Anda malakukan upgrade ke paket
Ultimate, maka Anda mendapatkan masa Golden Membership sekarang dan diperpanjang sampai berakhirnya tahun paket Ultimate.

Misal: Jika Anda upgrade ke paket Ultimate pada 12/2/2013
maka baik keanggotaan Golden dan paket ULtimate akan berakhir pada 12/2/2014.


Memerlukan Golden Membership, dimana biayanya adalah $90 per tahun.
$890 per tahun untuk paket Ultimate Golden
tahun ke dua, harga renewal-nya adalah $800.
Anda bisa merenew paket Ultimate Golden kapan saja sebelum habis masa berlakunya.


Member dengan paket Ultimate dapat menggunakan paket antrian (rental queue) setelah melewati batasan normal jumlah referral maksimal.
Dalam hal ini tiap referral harga sewanya adalah $0.60 plus tambahan $0.01 untuk setiap kelipatan 100 referral yang dimiliki, dan batas maksimal nya $1.20
Penambahan biaya ini hanya untuk biaya sewa baru dan bukan renewal.


Baca disini untuk melihat informasi langsung dari Neobux.

1. Klik semua iklan setiap hari sesuai server time.

Klik disini mengenai cara klik sesuai dengan server time.

2. Renewal.

Selalu memastikan budget tetap mencukupi untuk biaya recycling dan renewal.

Ketika pertama kali menyewa referral, maka sewa hanya berlaku selama 30 hari.
Anda harus memtuskan untuk berapa lama anda meneruskan (renewal) referral, sebelum masa sewa berakhir.
Terdapat biaya jika membiarkan referral expire.
Standard members: $0.02
Golden members: $0.04

Baca lebih lanjut bagian tentang RENEWAL FEES AND EXPIRATION FEES

Jika Anda merenew manual rented referral Anda leabih dari 60 hari, Anda tidak perlu mengaktifkan AutoPay ON.
Atau manfaatkan AutoPay untuk membantu mendistribusikan beban biaya renewal ke hari yang berbeda-beda.

Baca lebih lanjut bagian tentang AUTOPAY.

Meskipun memerlukan biaya lebih besar diawal, renewal rented referral untuk periode yang panjang seperti 90/150/240 hari memberikan Anda diskon yang lebih, sehingga memebuat rendah rata-rata klik yang diperlukan untuk Break Even Point, dan meningkatkan margin profit.

Baca ulasan lebih lanjut pada bagian AUTORENEW.

3. Carilah nilai Break Even Average Anda (BEP/AVG), info rata-rata jumlah klik minimal per hari per referral yang diperlukan.

Untuk member standard dengan 1~250 rented referral, nilai rata-rata BEP:
15 hari = 1.467
30 hari = 1.400
60 hari = 1.333
90 hari = 1.200
150 hari = 1.107
240 hari = 1.025

Untuk member stanndard dengan 251!300 rented referral, nilai rata-rata BEP:
15 hari = 1.600
30 hari = 1.467
60 hari = 1.367
90 hari = 1.267
150 hari = 1.147
240 hari = 1.075

Misalnya BEPnya adalah 1.4

Dengan 20 rented referral Anda akan memerlukan rata-rata klik sejumlah 28 setiap hari untuk mencapai BEP.

(28 / 20 = 1.4)

Baca lebih lanjut pada bagian tentang break even average

4. Recycling.

Jika rented referral Anda tidak melakukan klik lebih dari 7 hari, secara otomatis direcycle oleh Neobux secara gratis, atau Anda dapat merecycle mereka sebelumnya.

Gunakan export list untuk merekam klik harian referral.

Baca lebih pada bagian tentang EXPORT LIST

Tunggulah paling tidak selama 5 hari sebelum memeutuskan recycle seorang referral.
Makin banyak data yang Anda miliki, makin mudah bagi Anda untuk memberikan keputusan apakah pola melakukan klik referral Anda memberikan keuntungan ataukah tidak buat Anda.

Sebagai masukkan, fokus kepada referral yang sudah lama, karena Anda memiliki lebih banyak data untuk sebelum memberi keputusan dengan benar.

Berikut adalah contohnya:

1st week
0 0 0 2 0 0 0

2nd week
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3rd week
2 0 0 0 0 0 2

4th week
2 0 2 0 0 0 2

Apakah referral ini menguntungkan?

1st week
0 4 0 3 0 0 4

2nd week
2 0 3 0 4 0 0

3rd week
4 4 0 3 0 3 0

4th week
3 0 4 4 0 4 2

Apakah referral ini menguntungkan?

1st week
0 3 0 4 4 0 0

2nd week
4 0 0 0 0 4 0

3rd week
3 0 0 3 2 0 0

4th week
2 0 3 0 0 0 2

Apakah referral ini menguntungkan?

Yang paling penting adalah menentukan jika referral tersebut secara konsisten melakukan klik diatas BEP dan recycle referral yang menurut Anda tidak lagi melakukan klik dengan pola yang profitable. (sekitar BEP).

Yang juga perlu diingat adalah menjaga biaya recycle dalam level yang wajar, BEP yang tinggi dengan biaya recycle yang tinggi tidak akan membantu Anda meningkatkan profit.

Tidak melakukan recycle secara teratur juga tidak baik, atau membiarkan referral tidak klik sama sekali lebih dari 7-14 hari.

Coba dan uji strategi yang berbeda dan lakukan apa yang tepat buat grup-grup referral Anda, untuk memperbaiki kinerja referral.

Salah satu strategi recycling yang dilakukan salah satu master di Neobux, Schen2000, sebagai berikut:

hari ke:


Total # of refs


Total ref clicks:




Auto Recycled:


Nilai BEP : 0.604 (rendah bukan?)

AVG (klik rata-rata refs per hari) 8 hari terakhir : 0.730 (masih profit, dengan 5827 refs, Golden, AVG 0.73 masih profit. (dan tidak kecil).








Contoh lain:

dengan 500 ref.

15 days=0.783

30 days=0.716

60 days=0.683

90 days=0.627

150 days=0.576

240 days=0.541

pada BEP yang paling rendah yaitu 0.541, anda hanya punya 2 pilihan utama:

1. Setiap ref yang direnew sampai 240 hari akan membuat rendah biaya sewa sekaligus menignkatkan batas profit.

2. Tetap rekam data statistik referral, gunakan Referral Handy Manager versi free (makin banyak data makin bagus), dan yang direcycle disarankan yang referral yang sudah lama dan tidak aktif lagi. Kalau saya lihat Schen bahkan membiarkan direcycle otomatis pada contoh yang nomor 1 dengan 5000 an referral, hal ini memungkinkan karena BEP rendah, dari hasil perpanjangan referral yang maksimal, yaitu 240 hari. (diskon terbesar).

Sebagai contoh jika Anda merenew 90 hari dengan BEP 0.627:

(minimal perlu 6 klik dalam waktu 10 hari)


(minimal 4.4 klik dalam waktu 7 hari)

Referral yang kliknya kurang dari pola diatas selama lebih dari 3~ 5 minggu disarankan direcycle.

Mulailah recycle dari minggu ke 5, berangsur sampai minggu ke 3.

Member Ultimate dapat menghemat biaya recycling karena recycle gratisnya 7 hari.

Untuk Golden 14 hari pada tahun pertama dan 13 hari pada tahun kedua.

Anda harus lebih selektif menentukan referral mana yang perlu direcycle.

Nilai AVG memerlukan waktu untuk naik, biasanya memakan waktu lebih dari 1-2 minggu baru terlihat tingkat kenaikannya.

Naikkan anggaran untuk mencapai profit


hentikan sewa referral sampai nilai AVG stabil


jika AVG stabil, maka recycling yang selektif dapat membantu menaikkan AVG, atau langkah terakhir

(yang semua orang setuju melakukannya)

jika Anda masih saja mengalami kesulitan waktu mengatur referral atau Anda tidak punya cukup anggaran, maka Anda bisa membiarkan beberapa referral expire dengan sendirinya (tapi ada biaya expirenya), sampai pada level dimana Anda masih bisa mengendalikan referral dengan jumlah tertentu, dan merenew mereka dengan durasi yang lebih lama.

5. Dapatkan Direct Referral

Untuk memantapkan pendapatan dengan gratis.

Anda diperbolehkan memiliki direct referral setelah menjadi member paling tidak selama 15 hari dan melakukan paling tidak 100 klik. Jika Anda melakukannnya sebelum 15 hari, maka Anda akan kehilanggan direct referral Anda.

Beberapa cara memeproleh direct referral:

* dari saudara, teman satu perusahaan, dan teman lainnya.

* membayar dengan memasang iklan, banner di berbagai website,

* membuat website atau blog sendiri,

* Membuat video di Youtube dan masukkan referral link pada info / detail.

* Posting di bermacam forum.

* etc.

6. Stay updated.

Tetap ikuti berita terbaru untuk diskon, berita khusus, maupun fitur baru dari admin.

Belajar menggunakan tools, fitur-fitur, dan grafik di Neobux.

7. Help and support.

99% of pertanyaan dapat ditemukan di:


* Help page

* Search

* T.O.S.

Jika masih tidak menemukan jawaban pertanyaan Anda, postinglah topik baru di dalam forum, atau live support, atau email support.
Website Neobux juga memiliki fitur penterjemah, lokasinya di ikon bendera dekat FAQ.

Anda coba klik dan akan ada beberapa bahasa yang tersedia, yaitu:
Berikut adalah tabel keanggotaan/membership di Neobux hasil ringklasan Schen 2000.

Anda juga bisa menemukan informasi tentang membership di link berikut:

Golden Packs:

Help Page:

Second Consecutive Year Benefits:

Distribution Filters:

Perform simple tasks and get paid instantly in your main balance. Commissions from direct referrals You'll earn 12% from the amount your direct referrals earned by completing Mini Jobs. Bonus for completing Mini Jobs Standard Earn a 12% bonus for each $1 you receive from Mini Jobs Golden Earn a 24% bonus for each $1 you receive from Mini Jobs You can answers relating to mini jobs offers by clicking on the button: FAQ => Offers => Mini Jobs Can I know more details about the Mini Jobs? I cannot find any Mini Job to do I finished my work for a Mini Job and I haven't been paid yet. When will I receive my reward? I have a problem, who should I contact? It looks like there are more tasks available for a Mini Job, and my work has been accurate. Why can I not continue? My answers have been marked as wrong, but they were clearly correct. What happens if I get flagged or banned? What is and how do I find my Contributor / Mini Job ID? Why am I asked to check back again in the future? Why are you paying us more than GPT sites? Start Mini Jobs Offers Here: (or click on the button) or click here for instructions to adjust AdAlert notification settings for mini jobs. posts by Admin : 2012/08/09 Mini Jobs' Changes (commissions and bonus) 2012/08/01 Improvements made in the past weeks
Click your orange color fix ads each day according to server time. (Click here to learn about SERVER TIME) Rent referrals when you can afford to. (click here to read about renting & renewal costs for Standard members) (click here to read about renting & renewal costs for Golden members) (click here to read about the risks) Get direct referrals (after being a member for at least 15 days and making 100 clicks). (click here to learn about DIRECT REFERRALS) Manage your referrals, reduce renewing cost and develop a recycling policy. (click here to learn about MANAGING REFERRALS AND AVERAGES FOR STANDARD MEMBERS) (click here to learn about MANAGING REFERRALS AND AVERAGES FOR GOLDEN MEMBERS) Purchase upgrades when needed and can afford it. (click here to learn about upgrading to Golden) (click here to learn about upgrading to Golden Packs) Complete Mini jobs. (click here to learn about mini jobs offfers) Click additional ad exposures and earn Points and AdPrize. (click here to learn about POINTS) (click here to learn about ADPRIZE)
Point Offers: view/complete Point offers here: Visit the page with the offers and make your selection. Complete as many offers as you like and the Points will be credited automatically to your account a few minutes later. Coin offers: view/complete Coin offers here: Coin offers are credited 30 days after a successful offer completion. This period is required for security reasons. Coins can only be converted to real money credited directly to your Main Balance. The conversion rate is as follows: (you need a minimum of 2500 Coins before you can convert to your main balance) 2500 Coins = $0.8 for each 1000 Coins = $2 5000 Coins = $1.0 for each 1000 Coins = $5 10000 Coins = $1.1 for each 1000 Coins = $11 20000 Coins = $1.2 for each 1000 Coins = $24 30000 Coins = $1.3 for each 1000 Coins = $39 40000 Coins = $1.4 for each 1000 Coins = $56 60000 Coins = $1.5 for each 1000 Coins = $90 80000 Coins = $1.6 for each 1000 Coins = $128 100000 Coins = $1.7 for each 1000 Coins = $170 You can convert your Coins as soon as you have enough and after the 30 days period. Also Coins offers will grant you a referral commission from your direct referrals' offers. You'll get an amount of Coins equal to 20% of the amount each of your direct referrals earns. For example, if your direct referral earns 20,000 Coins you'll get 4,000 Coins. The amount of Coins you can earn from commissions is unlimited. Rules for Coins commissions: Credited after 30 days just like your own Coins offers. The user must still be your referral after the 30 days. If the offer is canceled the user will get the Coins canceled and your commission will also be canceled. Support In the case of any pending offers not credited, you'll need to contact the offer's provider support directly. At the top-right of any offer wall you'll find a link to do so. posts by Admin : 2015/03/13 New Coin offer wall ( 2015/01/21 New Coin offer wall (OfferToro) 2013/12/04 Name change for Virtual Currencies 2012/05/15 New limits 2012/02/27 NeoPoint and NeoCoin offers are available 2012/02/01 Introducing NeoCoins and NeoCoin offers Open beta 2012/01/31 NeoPoint Offers Open beta invitation
from FAQ=>Account=>General=> What are Points? Points are your NeoBux currency which can be converted for purchasing some of our services. Currently you earn Points by: Viewing advertisements: Each advertisement = 1 Point Completing Point offers Earning Points in AdPrize Points can be used for: Golden Membership: 30000 Points = 1 year Golden Membership Recycle and/or extend your rented referrals Increase your direct referrals limit: 500 Points = Increase the limit by 1 direct referral After you have reached 30000 Points to upgrade or extend golden membership visit the upgrade page here: and click on the Points button for method of payment. 1 Point = $0.00075 for example: Recycling cost = $0.07 $0.07 / $0.00075 = 93 Points (rounded to 0 decimal places) You can use the Points from the referral listing page or here:
When you've reached the minimum cashout requirements all available funds in your main balance will become available to cashout. If you do not want to cashout the entire main balance. Transfer the extra into your rental balance or golden pack balance. Remember the funds in rental or golden pack balance cannot be transfered or cashout. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size. 5.7. After requesting a payment, the user must wait 4 days before requesting another. Standard member = 4 days Golden member = 4 days Emerald pack = 3 days Sapphire pack = 4 days Platinum pack = 2 days Diamond pack = 4 days Ultimate pack = 1 days Here are some examples for ToS 5.1: Example A: - User never made any purchase - User can request an unlimited amount of payment to any payment processor Example B: - User made $10 of purchases with Paypal, $5 Payza and $0 Neteller - User cannot request any payment to payment processor Neteller, can request a maximum of $5 to Payza and request an unlimited amount to Paypal Example C: - User made $5 of purchases with payment Paypal, $5 Payza and $5 Neteller - User can request an unlimited amount of payment to any payment processor Basically you can request unlimited cashout using the payment processor you deposit with the most payment with. Minimum cashout from ToS 5.3: 1st cashout = $2.00 2nd cashout = $3.00 3rd cashout = $4.00 4th cashout = $5.00 5th cashout = $6.00 6th cashout = $7.00 7th cashout = $8.00 8th cashout = $9.00 9th cashout = $10.00 10th cashout and above = $10.00 CASHOUT FEES (per transaction) Payza: Personal Starter: cashout up to $150 in value will pay no fees. Business / Personal Pro: 2.50% + $0.25 fixed fee for amounts less than $150 $4 fixed fee for amount $150 or more. Paypal: For transfer values $2250 and below it's 2% and for values above $2250 it's fixed at $45.00 Neteller: There will be a $1.00 fee per cashout plus 2.9% of the cashout amount. For example, a $1000.00 cashout will have a $30.00 fee ($29.00 + $1.00)
Use your referral link or get . When someone uses your referral link and sign up as a new Neobux member they become your direct referral. From TOS... 3.5 You only earn from directly referred referrals being them referred directly by you or rented. 3.10 Users can only have direct referrals after being a member for at least 15 days and having at least 100 clicks. Any attempts to get them before that will fail. Indicates you have meet the requirements to get direct referrals. Click to see your referral link for the page your in. The page you're in cannot have a referral link.
From the main or users page: Click on username on the left menu... Under Settings: Click on Personal or Click here to go directly to your personal settings: Under Personal data: Use Secondary Password: Click on Yes Secondary Password: Enter a secondary password Secondary Password confirmation: Re-Enter secondary password Personal settings: Under Password confirmation: Enter Primary Password Click on save changes
SERVER TIME (How to clicking advertisements according to server time)
TOS 3.7 The clicks you earn from referrals are directly related to the clicks you make. If you click at least 4 advertisements being a Standard / Pioneer member or you click at least 9 advertisements being a Golden member, you'll receive all clicks made from your referrals. If you click below that, the maximum you will receive is only the amount of clicks you've made multiplied by the number of referrals you have. The referral clicks will be calculated based on the clicks you made on the previous day. These calculations are based on the server time which can be seen in the "View Advertisements" page. The only advertisements that will count are: Extended Exposure, Standard Exposure, and Orange Fixed Advertisements. This means if you click all the orange color fixed ads you'll receive all clicks made from your referrals. If you click below that, the maximum you will receive is only the amount of clicks you've made multiplied by the number of referrals you have. What is the server time? The server is located in Eastern Time (US&Canada) To figure out how to click according to server time you need to figure out the time difference between your local time and the current server time. For example, I am located at pacific time which is (3 hours behind) or 21 hours ahead of eastern time. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size. The following info. are needed to figure out the time difference: 1. your advertisement clicks reset time (this is shown as your local time) 2. your local time 3. current server time and the formula is (need to use the 24 hr time format): (local time) - (current server time) = (time difference) but if the answer is negative you need to add 24 to it. Example 1: 1. ad reset time = 02:23 2. current local time = 23:01 3. current server time = 02:01 23:01 - 02:01 = 21:00 (time difference) Example 2: 1. ad reset time = 14:38 2. current local time = 05:00 3. current server time = 23:00 05:00 - 23:00 = -18:00 + 24:00 = 6:00 (time difference) From the answers now you can choose bewteen two options and pick the one most convenient to click on your daily (orange color fixed ads): These are the two options to click in your local time: Option 1: click between (ad reset time) ~ (time difference minus 1 minute) or Option 2: click between (time difference) ~ (your ad reset time minus 1 minute) From example 1: option 1 = 02:23 ~ 20:59 or option 2 = 21:00 ~ 02:22 From example 2: option 1 = 14:38 ~ 05:59 or option 2 = 06:00 ~ 14:37 The most common mistake is members usually clicks just before ad reset time and then again right after ad reset time. The easiest way to clicking according to server time is to pick ONLY one of the options (to click your daily orange fixed ads) and don't mix them. All other types of ads/exposures (micro, mini, std, ext) you can click at anytime. NOTE: AdPrize expires at Ad Reset time, it's a good idea not to click just before ad reset time. You can also try this free excel server time calculator This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size. How to switch from one option to the other and still get credited from your referral clicks (# of daily ad clicks) x (# of referrals) = # of clicks received. This is needed only when you are currently clicking the usual 4 (9 for golden members) orange fixed ads after your "ad reset" time and before the end of the server's day (before server time's midnight) and you want to start clicking those ads daily after server time's midnight and before your "ad reset" time. -Click only half of your daily ads in option 1 -Click the other half of your daily ads in option 2 After the above process you can click all your daily ads now in option 1 or vice versa. An example for a standard member with 20 rented referrals: (09:00 is between option 1 & 18:00 is between option 2) 4 clicks @ 09:00 Monday 4 clicks @ 09:00 Tuesday 2 clicks @ 09:00 Wednesday 2 clicks @ 18:00 Wednesday 4 clicks @ 18:00 Thursday 4 clicks @ 18:00 Friday 2 clicks @ 18:00 Saturday 2 clicks @ 09:00 Sunday and repeat... you will get up to (2x20) or 40 clicks on Wed, Sat, Sun and unlimited clicks on Mon, Tue, Thur, & Fri. and Wednesday is the only day you will have to click twice in a day but only 2 clicks each. Also read here for more explanation on clicking according to server time How to synchronize your computer clock: or QUICK LOCAL TIME GUIDE FOR THE FOLLOW COUNTIRES: [For your convenience the server time has already been converted to your local time from the months of November through March and May need to move back 1 hour or adjusted for DST (daylight savings time) from October through April] Australia local time - New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania: (your ad reset time) ~ 14:59 or 15:00 ~ (your ad reset time) Queensland (your ad reset time) ~ 13:59 or 14:00 ~ (your ad reset time) Northern Territory (your ad reset time) ~ 13:29 or 13:30 ~ (your ad reset time) Western Australia (your ad reset time) ~ 11:59 or 12:00 ~ (your ad reset time) Indonesian local time: 11, 12, & 13 (your ad reset time) ~ 10:59 or 11:00 ~ (your ad reset time) Philippines, Malaysia local times: (your ad reset time) ~ 12:59 or 13:00 ~ (your ad reset time) Bangladesh local time: (your ad reset time) ~ 10:59 or 11:00 ~ (your ad reset time) India, Sri Lanka local time: (your ad reset time) ~ 10:29 or 10:30 ~ (your ad reset time) Pakistan local time: (your ad reset time) ~ 9:59 or 10:00 ~ (your ad reset time) Bahrain, Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece, Jordan, Romania, Turkey local times: (your ad reset time) ~ 6:59 or 7:00 ~ (your ad reset time) Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Span, Sweden local times: (your ad reset time) ~ 5:59 or 6:00 ~ (your ad reset time) United Kingdom, Portugal local times: (your ad reset time) ~ 4:59 or 5:00 ~ (your ad reset time) Brazil local time: (your ad reset time) ~ 0:59 or 1:00 ~ (your ad reset time) USA local times: (your ad reset time) ~ 23:59 or 24:00 ~ (your ad reset time) Eastern (your ad reset time) ~ 22:59 or 23:00 ~ (your ad reset time) Central (your ad reset time) ~ 21:59 or 22:00 ~ (your ad reset time) Mountain (your ad reset time) ~ 20:59 or 21:00 ~ (your ad reset time) Pacific
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size. From the main or users page: Click on username on the left menu... Under Settings: Click on Personal or Click here to go directly to your personal settings: Under Forum settings: Show Personal Statistics: Click on Yes Personal settings: Under Password confirmation: Enter Primary Password Click on save changes
STANDARD MEMBERSHIP UPGRADING TO GOLDEN MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS 1. The user must have clicked (and been credited for) at least 50 advertisements. 2. The user must be a member at least for 15 full days (15 x 24 hours = 360 hours). All 2 of these conditions must be met before an upgrade can occur. $90 Cost For Yearly membership To upgrade click on upgrade button in the top bar or simply visit the upgrade page: and pay the yearly membership cost with one of these options: - from your main balance - from one of the accepted payment processors - from your Points (minimum 30000 Points required) GOLDEN MEMBERSHIP 1ST YEAR BENEFITS - $0.01 per your click (standard exposure) - $0.02 per your click (extended exposure) - $0.01 per referral click (standard exposure) - $0.02 per referral click (extended exposure) - 9 available ads each day - You can rent up to 2000 maximum referrals - Can rent every 7 days after you receive your last pack - Rent from 3 and up to 100 refs per pack at normal cost (how to rent) - Rent using (rental queue) 55 refs per pack 1.5x of normal cost - Extra graphs and stats - Automatic Recycling Chart - Transfer to the Golden Pack Balance Chart - More slots available for direct referrals - Upgrade options to a golden pack - 24% bonus for each $1 earned from Mini Jobs Golden Packs: Additional tools and features to add to your Golden Membership GOLDEN MEMBERSHIP 2ND YEAR BENEFITS Same benefits as 1st year plus... - Recycle Discount per Referral = $0.01 - Monthly Payment Discount (above $0.24) = $0.01 - Rental Queue = 65 referrals - Inactivity Days Free Replacement = 13 days - Reduction of expiration fee per rented referral from -$0.04 to - $0.03 2010/11/23 Golden membership purchase changes by Admin (Updates for upgrading requirements) 2009/08/01 The Golden age by Admin (Golden 2nd year benefits) 2009/01/25 News for standards and for golden by Admin's (standard members upgrade requirements) 2009/01/21 Golden membership upgrade requirements by Admin
What you can or not do when viewing advertisements: Possible solutions if you're unable to click: -Have someone you trust without a NeoBux account to click for you. -Use a laptop combined with mobile broadband. -Find access to a computer (which have never been used and never will, by another NeoBux member for clicking ads) and an internet connection that is not part of a shared network environment. -Upgrade to golden and a golden pack like sapphire, diamond, or ultimate that has vacation mode. See the options here: Note: The laptop or computer that you use, make sure that it is not being used by an existing Neobux Member to click ads on it. Also never use a computer if you are not sure if someone else in the future will click ads on that same computer. Don't use more than 3 computers in a 10-day period. Wait 24 hours before clicking at a new location or new internet connection. View ad's with computers that has a full support of at least one major browser, flash and java and a resolution of at least 1024x768 (more is better) and a mouse to click ads with. NOT ALLOWED to view ad's with the following devices or applications: ipad, iphone, iTouch, mobile devices, etc. Click here to read more No using remote sharing softwares like TeamViewer to click You can manage your account from mobile devices like renewing, recycling, renting referrals, posting in forums, etc.


From FAQ=> Referrals=> Direct Referrals How is the limit of direct referrals calculated? First of all, you can only have direct referrals after you meet these conditions: - Been a member for at least 15 days - Have made at least 100 clicks After these conditions are met, the direct referral you can have will be based first on the following limit: Standard: 30 Pioneer: 60 Golden: 200 Golden+Pioneer: 250 Golden/Emerald: 300 Golden/Sapphire: 300 Golden/Platinum: 400 Golden/Diamond: 400 Golden/Ultimate: Unlimited Depending on how many days you've been registered, all those days, minus the first 30, will count towards a limit increase. This means that the older member you are, the more referrals you may have. The amount will be based on your current membership/pack and the days you're registered (minus 30). This amount will vary and is explained below: Standard/Pioneer = Days-30 divided by 4 Golden (without a pack) = Days-30 divided by 2 Golden (with a pack) = Days-30 For example, if you have been registered for 330 days (which minus 30 gives 300 days): Standard= 30 + (300/4) = 105 Golden = 200 + (300/2) = 350 If a user registers with your username he/she won't be your referral if you haven't met the 15 days/100 clicks condition or have reached the limit of allowed direct referrals. You can always remove all direct referrals you don't want to make room for new ones. From FAQ=> Referrals=> Direct Referrals How do I receive commissions from my direct referrals' purchases? You'll receive a 1% commission from your direct referrals' purchases based on these simple rules: The purchase has to be made using any of our 3 payment processors. The purchase has to be made in an amount of $10 or higher. It will be available for purchases of any kind of service except for advertisement services. The commission will be credited to your main balance 90 days after the purchase. A commission will be canceled if the respective purchase is reversed for any reason and restored if the reversed purchase is also restored. A commission won't be credited after the 90 days if the user that made the purchase is not your referral anymore or has his/her account suspended. A commission won't be processed if the purchased service is under a promotional period or with a temporary discount. As soon as you have one or more pending commissions you'll see their total in your account's summary statistics. Click on the button to the right and you'll see a detailed listing of those commissions. From FAQ=> Referrals=> Direct Referrals One or more direct referrals has disappeared. Whenever a user has his/her account permanently suspended and that user is someone's direct referral, it is removed from the referrer. This is done to avoid clutter as a permanently suspended account cannot be restored. Here are some suggestions to get direct referrals: * Talk to relatives, colleagues and friends. * Pay to advertise your banner/ref-link in various websites. * Create your own blog or site. * Create video in broadcasting sites like Youtube and put your ref-link in the details/info. * Post in various forums. * Make any advertisement you can think of in real life. * Print the QR code (read here) on stickers or businesscards. This is a very useful QUOTE by user saharattia: Quote: To get a great number of direct referrals discuss NeoBux as a great project and share its success story to people, and never asking them to register, this makes people have doubts even your words are true, so my advice in few words has to be Make the people who look for your referral link not you who look for people to go your referral link. When discussing about NeoBux use the appropriate place to do that, and a place where people may haven't had a background about PTC yet. These places can be between friends, mates at work, chatting rooms, forums, social networks and so on. Try to make a link of continues communicating with you and your referrals, it will be a fun to make them your friends, never keep it a one side benefit friendship or communication and make it a both sides benefit and great lovely friendship. My advice in few words is Make your direct referrals your friends and try honestly helping them getting rich via NeoBux. 101 Ways to Get Referrals Unique Ways to Get Referrals FORUM POST LINK You can get your referral link pointing to any of the pages available to visitors. Simple to use: You'll see an icon on the top bar that will show blue when the page you're in can be seen by a visitor and it will turn gray when it cannot. For example, the account pages cannot be linked because no visitor would be able to see them. Click to see your referral link for the page your in. The page you're in cannot have a referral link. OTHER REASONS IF YOU CANNOT GET DIRECT REFERRALS: (post credit to member reggen666) If you have met already the requirements to be able to have direct referrals, then if someone used your reflink or typed your username in the "referrer" field upon registration, he/she would be your direct referrals unless if: - Make sure from your personal settings or here: under other settings: "Allow Direct Referrals" is Yes (in green) and not No (in gray) - You have no more available slots for direct referrals. - He/she used an incorrect reflink or he/she mistyped your username. - He/she didn't complete the registration process (he/she didn't follow the instructions in the e-mail that he/she got after the registration). - He/she never really joined NeoBux. If a referral showed up in your account and it's not longer there then that means that he/she violated the terms of service and his/her account was suspended and for this reason he/she was removed from your downline. You can always check in the history log of your account all the direct referrals who registered under you.
When renting referrals they go though an activity filter before they are distributed. Current activity filter: (clicks are based on orange fixed, standard and extended exposure ads) Standard members: 11 clicks in the last 5 days. Golden members: 14 clicks in the last 6 days. Golden members w/ Ultimate pack: 17 clicks in the last 7 days. When a rented referral is recycled it goes to another pool where the ref is reanalyzed for at least 15 days and if the ref fulfill the distribution filter requirements the ref will again put back into the rental pool. They are no guarantees how rented referrals will perform or click after they are distributed. It's up to the users to use available tools and features to monitor and manage rented referrals. See tools and features
Standard = 14 Golden = 14 Golden 2nd year = 13 Emerald = 14 Sapphire = 12 Platinum = 14 Diamond = 10 Ultimate = 7 TOS 3.4. Rented referrals have a return policy. If, within 14 days one of your rented referrals does not click any advertisement, you will automatically get your referral exchanged with no additional charge and for unlimited times. This exchange policy is only for rented referrals and they will only be replaced when new ones are available. Rented referrals are distributed based on an activity rule but we cannot predict or assure how they will behave afterwards. Letting a referral expire will have a small fee ranging from $0.02 to $0.05 depending on your current membership/pack. See here for fees. Here's how it works: Every referral will be auto-recycled anytime in the next 24 hours after the exact second that he/she is marked as inactive based on his/her last click. Others will be recycled sooner and others later, but no inactive referral will stay in our list for more than 24 hours (not even a second more) after the exact second that he/she was marked as inactive. Autorecycle will trigger anytime in the next 24 hours after the time he/she marked inactive based on his/her last click and your membership. Remember that referrals are auto-recycled throughout the day and not all at once, so instead of seeing blocks of referrals being recycled in a few hours you'll see a few each minute. Also make sure that the referral is not locked. (it can take up to another 48 hours of waiting for free auto-recycle after unlocking a locked ref.) If neither of the above happens, it means that your referrals have clicked on some (non credit ads for you) like mini, micro, or purple fixed ads within the 14 days period. You'll need to wait another 14 days of 0 clicks of any ad exposures before they qualify again to be auto-recycle. or Another possibility is that the ref has clicked some ads in a day (server time) while you hadn't click your ads the previous day (server time) and therefore no credit for those clicks as the ToS point 3.7. defines. You see zero click because the list shows only the credited clicks (orange fixed, standard and extended exposure ads). Here is an example: One of your referrals made his/her last click on 2010/12/28 at 23:59 according to your local time. 14 full days of inactivity means 2011/1/11 at 23:59. One minute later the referral will be inactive for 14 days and one minute in total, but you may see it as 15 days, just because the day changed according to your local time.
Basically locking prevents a referral from being manually or auto recycled. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size. NOTE: When you recycle referrals they will still have the same days left (Next Payment) that you paid to rent them for. for example: Ref #1 has 28 days left and you recycle and exchanged Ref #1 for Ref #2, Ref #2 will still have 28 days left.
RECYCLING COST (for each referral) Old users is always $0.01 more expensive. Standard users $0.07 Golden users 1st year $0.07 2nd year $0.06 Golden W/ Emerald $0.06 Golden W/ Platinum $0.06 Golden W/ Ultimate $0.04
When you first rent a pack it is for 30 days. If you do not renew them before they expire there is a fee. If AutoPay is enabled it does not extend refs for you if they have less than 20 days left. Don't forget to manually extend them. Rented referral expiration fees per TOS 3.4 Standard members: $0.02 Golden members: $0.04 Golden members with a Golden Pack: $0.05 Golden members after their first consecutive year: $0.03 Golden members with a Golden Pack after their first consecutive year: $0.02 Rented referral renewal discounts: - 15 days = 0% discount - 30 days = 5% discount - 60 days = 10% discount - Autopay = 15% discount - 90 days = 18% discount - 150 days = 25% discount - 240 days = 30% discount
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size.
Standard = None Golden = 55 Golden 2nd year = 65 Emerald = None Sapphire = 50 Platinum = None Diamond = 100 Ultimate = 200* *When you have more than 4000 refs, you can only use the rental queue to rent at 150 refs per pack. For golden members: From the users main page or click on your username. From the left menu under "Settings" Click on the "Rental Queue". The price per referral is 1.5x the normal renting price The rental prices are on the help page: You can queue 55 referrals per time (fixed quantity) or 65 if you are on your second year golden membership. You can only queue if: - You have enough money in your rental balance - You have less than 2000 referrals - You've waited 7 days before the last pack was delivered (either from normal renting or from the queue itself) If you can queue, you'll see two buttons: "Normal Queue" and "Express Queue". The "Normal Queue" is where your request will be put and you'll receive it in the hours specified in the button itself (approximately). The "Express Queue" is where your request will be delivered in 24 hours (approximately) independently of the size of the "Normal Queue". “Express” option costs extra. After you click one of the buttons, the respective amount will be deducted from your rental balance and your referrals will be queued. Then, you can track the amount of time left for them to be delivered by going to the rental queue page. When the time comes, they'll be added to your account automatically. Take into consideration the estimated time of delivery before queuing your request. That way you can decide to try and get referrals the old fashioned way or not. This will help get rented referrals when you are not able to to rent at the twon chosen rental hours. Differences for members with a ultimate pack: -Normal rental queue's price per referral is the same as the normal rental prices that can be found on the help page. -They can queue 200 referrals (fixed quantity) per time (if they have less than 4000 rented referrals) and 150 referrals per time (fixed quantity) if they have more than 4000 rented referrals. -They have to wait only 4 full days between two rentals. From the help page: Members with an Ultimate pack can use the rental queue after the normal rented limitations. In this case each referral will have a cost of $0.60 plus an additional $0.01 for each 100 referrals that the user has above the limit to a maximum of $1.20. This increased amount is only for rentals and not for extensions. How to calculate the cost renting above 4000 refs
Golden member can rent once each 7 days after you receive your previous pack, up to 100 referrals per pack with a maximum limit of 2000 referrals total. FAQ=>Referrals=>Renting Why is it hard to rent? Golden members have much more demand in renting referrals compared to Standard members because almost all of them can afford to rent. As the demand rises, the distributed referrals for a particular time are easily sold out. Golden members can rent referrals by setting two times of the day for renting depending on their most convenient time. You can find that option in your personal settings. After you change the time, you can only change it again after 7 days. Remember to be quick because many other members will be there at the same time as you trying to rent. If you're having trouble renting, you can always use the rental queue which, while being a bit more expensive, will guarantee you the referrals. Renting for Golden member has the most demand therefore you have to be very fast when renting. Use a faster internet browser like chrome or safari. Show up 2~5 minutes before renting. Have the clock display on. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size. Make changes to the two rental times at a earlier time to give yourself sufficient time. Go to settings/personal or under other settings set the two rental times, enter primary password and save changes. Click this bar to view the image in full size. There are two methods to rent referrals: Rent method 1: Rent method 2: Renting method 1 is a bit faster since its a direct link. Test and count how many seconds it takes to refresh the renting page. For example if it takes 2 seconds then 2-3 seconds before your rental time click on the method 1 link above (it will take you directly to the rent page). Try to remember the location of the rent pack (use an arrow sticker or similar to mark the spot) and start to click as fast as you can even before the button shows. As soon you got the rent pack you must then click on another button to confirm. In quick summary you want to click those two buttons as fast as humanly possible. If you miss it the first time try to refresh (F5) every 2~5 seconds for another 5 or 6 times after that if it still doesn't turn green after 30 seconds then the packs are most likely all been rented and is no longer available at that hour. Just rent again at your 2nd hour or change one of the renting time it to the next hour and you can try again within an hour. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size. Forum Post: Additional renting tips for golden members by member denfel
Must meet all the criteria and internal requirements. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size. Note: Beside meeting the basic criteria, every time you try to sell the referral the system will check the ref again thoroughly with internal requirements before buying. This make sure the referral is a good quality referral and is still active for others users to rent. The average that counts to define the selling price when we try to sell a direct referral from the ref list is the view option Show: Only credited clicks Not Show: All clicks made by the referrals The higher quality a referral the better chance you'll able to sell them. You may try to sell them everyday (once per day is enough) until the system approves of the transaction.


Read here for Standard members as a guidance Some strategies for Standard members The longer days you extend rented referrals the lower the averages are needed to break even because of the higher discounts for longer renewals: 15 days renewal = 0% discount 30 days renewal = 5% discount 60 days renewal = 10% discount Autopay = 15% discount 90 days renewal = 18% discount 150 days renewal = 25% discount 240 days renewal = 30% discount For standard member with 1~250 rented referrals the break even average (learn more about BEP here) renewing: 15 days = 1.333 30 days = 1.267 60 days = 1.200 90 days = 1.089 150 days = 1.000 240 days = 0.933 For standard member with 251~300 rented referrals the break even average (learn more about BEP here) renewing: 15 days = 1.467 30 days = 1.333 60 days = 1.267 90 days = 1.156 150 days = 1.053 240 days = 0.983 For example: with 50 refs the BEP is 1.200 that means 50 x 1.2 = 60 click are needed on average each day for a period of 60 days. About low averages: About recycling: If the current recycling policy is not working adjust to new changes. It's better to avoid static/strict rules like recycling after X days of inactivity and/or below Y average are not the best thing you can do, because is like believing that all of your referrals will behave the same way. Keep detail track of clicking stat/data daily so you can study the refs behavior better. It is easier to make a recycling decision when you can see if a ref is clicking in a profitable way or not. Also read from this link #4. About Recycling for examples. Look at your referrals as a team. As long the overall performance from all the referrals keeps the account above BEP you'll be in good shape. There willl be some refs clicking above average, some refs around the normal average, some refs below average, and some refs with 0 clicks... Some examples: Usually avoid recycling 0 clickers or new refs give them at least 5 day or until you have some clicking data from them to judge with. If the refs haven't click for some times and close to the free recycling days (14 days of 0 clicks for std & golden members) you may let the system replace it free for you on the 15th day (just make sure the refs are not locked). The more rented referrals clicking data collected the better it may help you to determine if they are clicking in a profitable pattern/behavior or not for your account. Lets look at an example of a referral that is 5 weeks old: 5 weeks ago 4403044 = 19 clicks, avg = (19/7) = 2.71 4 weeks ago 0040004 = 8 clicks, avg = (8/7) = 1.14 3 weeks ago 0000040 = 4 clicks, avg = (4/7) = 0.57 2 weeks ago 0000004 = 4 clicks, avg = (4/7) = 0.57 Last week 0000030 = 3 clicks, avg = (3/7) = 0.428 Total clicks = 38 Overall average = (38 clicks / 35 days) = 1.085 Notice that the overall average is still pretty high but during the last 3 weeks the ref is not clicking well. If your account is in profit you can be more patient and give this ref a bit more time or else 3 or 4 clicks every week is not a very profitable pattern and maybe time to recycle this refs. There are many more examples but what matters the most is if you keep track of the historic clicking data for some times whenever you have doubt about a specific ref you can always look them up to see how they have been clicking and then decide if they need to be recycled or not. If you don't know how to keep track of stat this post can help:
Read here for Golden members as a guidance The more days you renew the lower the average is needed to break even. (learn more about BEP here) For gold member the break even average renewing days with 50 referrals: 15 days=1.160 30 days=1.126 60 days=1.093 90 days=1.038 150 days=0.993 240 days=0.960 100 referrals: 15 days=0.913 30 days=0.880 60 days=0.847 90 days=0.791 150 days=0.747 240 days=0.713 150 referrals: 15 days=0.831 30 days=0.798 60 days=0.764 90 days=0.709 150 days=0.664 240 days=0.631 200 referrals: 15 days=0.790 30 days=0.757 60 days=0.723 90 days=0.668 150 days=0.623 240 days=0.590 250 referrals: 15 days=0.765 30 days=0.732 60 days=0.699 90 days=0.643 150 days=0.599 240 days=0.565 300 referrals: 15 days=0.816 30 days=0.749 60 days=0.716 90 days=0.660 150 days=0.609 240 days=0.574 350 referrals: 15 days=0.804 30 days=0.737 60 days=0.704 90 days=0.648 150 days=0.597 240 days=0.562 400 referrals: 15 days=0.795 30 days=0.728 60 days=0.695 90 days=0.639 150 days=0.588 240 days=0.553 450 referrals: 15 days=0.788 30 days=0.721 60 days=0.688 90 days=0.633 150 days=0.581 240 days=0.546 500 referrals: (lowest BEP avg for gold members) 15 days=0.783 30 days=0.716 60 days=0.683 90 days=0.627 150 days=0.576 240 days=0.541 About low averages: About recycling: If the current recycling policy is not working time to adjust and make changes. It's better to avoid static/strict rules like recycling after X days of inactivity and/or below Y average are not the best thing you can do, because is like believing that all of your referrals will behave the same way. Keep detail track of clicking stat/data daily so you can study the refs behavior better. It is easier to make a recycling decision when you can see if a ref is clicking in a profitable way or not. Also read from this link #4. About Recycling for examples. Look at your referrals as a team. As long the overall performance from all the referrals keeps the account above BEP and in profit then you're in good shape. There willl be some refs clicking above average, some refs around the normal average, some refs below average, and some refs with 0 clicks... Some examples: Usually avoid recycling 0 clickers or new refs give them at least 5 day or until you have some clicking data from them to judge with. If the refs haven't click for some times and close to the free recycling days (14 days of 0 clicks for std & golden members) you may let the system replace it free for you on the 15th day (just make sure the refs are not locked). The more rented referrals clicking data collected the better it may help you to determine if they are clicking in a profitable pattern/behavior or not for your account. Lets look at an example of a referral that is 5 weeks old: 5 weeks ago 4403044 = 19 clicks, avg = (19/7) = 2.71 4 weeks ago 0040004 = 8 clicks, avg = (8/7) = 1.14 3 weeks ago 0000040 = 4 clicks, avg = (4/7) = 0.57 2 weeks ago 0000004 = 4 clicks, avg = (4/7) = 0.57 Last week 0000030 = 3 clicks, avg = (3/7) = 0.428 Total clicks = 38 Overall average = (38 clicks / 35 days) = 1.085 Notice that the overall average is still pretty high but during the last 3 weeks the ref is not clicking well. If your account is in profit you can be more patient and give this ref a bit more time or else 3 or 4 clicks every week is not a very profitable pattern and maybe time to recycle this refs. There are many more examples but what matters the most is if you keep track of the historic clicking data for some times whenever you have doubt about a specific ref you can always look them up to see how they have been clicking and then decide if they need to be recycled or not. If you don't know how to keep track of stat this post can help:
Strategi untuk Golden Ultimate dapat dilihat langsung ke forum Golden Ultimate di sini.


Simple and easy to use. Alerts you when new ads or mini jobs becomes available! For Mini job alert: Since all notifications for Mini Jobs come directly from CrowdFlower, AdAlert will need to access another site other than NeoBux which is why some (especially those who use Chrome) will get a notification that AdAlert needs to access more sites. Nothing to worry about since this is just a warning for your information. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size. After making changes to personal settings. You might also close and restart the browser. Click here to install AdAlert Note: remember to uninstall the old toolbar first before installing AdAlert. for Chrome browser: Go to chrome://settings/extensionSettings to uninstall for Firefox browser: Go to Tools, Add-ons, select NeoBux Toolbar to uninstall for Internet Explorer: Go to Tools, Manage Add-ons, select NeoBux Toolbar to disable
AutoPay Minimum Days Limit: Standard = 20 days Golden = 20 days Emerald = 20 days Sapphire = 18 days Platinum = 20 days Diamond = 14 days Ultimate = 10 days Basically once it's enabled AutoPay will pay and extend 1 day at 15% discount for any of the ref(s) that has made a click and has more than 20 days left. When the rented referrals has less than 20 days left you will need to manually renew or enable autorenew them or else they will expire which there is a small fee per TOS 3.4 Autopay is 4th cheapest way to renew your refs, when you have all your refs renew longer then 90 days, it's not longer needed, but autopay can still be useful to help spread out the # of refs due to expire at the same time. 15 days renewal = 0% discount 30 days renewal = 5% discount 60 days renewal = 10% discount Autopay = 15% discount 90 days renewal = 18% discount 150 days renewal = 25% discount 240 days renewal = 30% discount Autopay can be enabled or disabled for all rented referrals. Some examples: Ref #1 has 19 days left autopay will not pay for ref #1. Ref #2 has 23 days left and made a click, autopay will extend ref #2 for 1 more day. Ref #3 has 40 days left and made no click, autopay will not extend ref #3 until a click is made. AutoPay automatically deducts the payments from the rental balance, if it has insufficient funds, it uses main balance. If both balances have insufficient funds it won't be triggered and will only work again when one of the balances has enough funds. AutoPay features: - Renew referrals for 1 day at a time at 15% discount. - Saves time in automatic renewing refs with 20 or more day remaining. - Cheaper then 15, 30, 60 days renewing. - Might help in filtering out low clickers. - Might help in using earnings efficiently. - Help in delaying payments on large numbers of refs expiring at the same time. - No need to use AutoPay if renewing longer than 90, 150, 240 days. - Flexibility to enable or disable at any time. - AutoPay works for all the refs, you cannot select who to extend for 1 extra day. Also read here For example: If today the ref makes 1 click it'll get extended for 1 extra day at the 15% discount price per day. If your current month rental cost is $0.25 which comes to $0.00833 per ref per day with AutoPay your per ref cost per day now is $0.00708333 Also read... From FAQ=>Referrals=>AutoPay=>What is AutoPay? This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size. More AutoPay Examples: Example 1: I just extend some refs for 90 days. I'll enable autopay and help spread out the cost so I don't need to come up with a lump sum of cash when the refs come close to their expiration date. Example 2: My ref has less than 20 days left. Autopay is not going to extend them for me anymore. I have to manually extend them for 15/30/60/90/150/240 days. Example 3: Extending 1 ref with no discount is $0.26 per month which cost $0.0087 per day (0.26/30). Extending 1 ref at 18% discount for 90 days is $0.64 $0.26 per month x 3 months x 0.82 (18% discount) / 90 days = $0.0071 per day. With AutoPay on. If the ref click today (now 89 days left). I'll paid: $0.26 per month x 0.85 (15% discount) / 30 days = $0.007366 per day. The refs remaining time will stay the same at 89 days (+1 day from autopay and -1 day because a day has passed)
Basically when any of the rented referrals has reached the specified days remaining prior to their expiration days, the referrals will be automatically renewed for the days selected. Make sure you have enough funds in either rental or main balances to cover the renewal costs or else the rented referrals will not get renewed by AutoRenew and you'll need to manually renew them before they expires which there is a fee. Discounts from the days renewing: -Renewing for 15 more days offers no discount. -Renewing for 30 more days offers a 5% discount. -Renewing for 60 more days offers a 10% discount. -Using Autopay offers a 15% discount. -Renewing for 90 more days is offers a 18% discount. -Renewing for 150 more days is offers a 25% discount. -Renewing for 240 more days is offers a 30% discount. FAQ=> Referrals=>AutoRenew=> What is AutoRenew? AutoRenew is the automatic renewal process of your rented referrals. Contrary to AutoPay which will work only when a referral makes his/her first click for a day and will extend for one day the referral's deadline, AutoRenew works every day (*) and prolongs your referrals deadline based on your chosen renewal period and time before expiration. You can enable AutoRenew in your rented referrals listing page the same way you do with AutoPay. Before enabling it the two following options will be given: Period: This will be the exact period for which the referral's rental will be extended. You can choose any of the usual manual renewal periods (15, 30, 60, 90, 150, and 240 days) to receive the benefit from the related discounts for each period (except for the 15 days one). Before: The time before the expiration when the automated renewal will be triggered. You can choose any of the available number of days and your referrals will be extended if the rental deadline is the same or below the chosen number of days. (*) AutoRenew will only be attempted for each referral once per day. If you have no funds in your rental and / or main balance or some unexpected error occurs, the referral(s) that weren't renewed will be only checked again approximately 24 hours after. We advise you to choose a higher number of days between the first renewal check and the referrals' deadline, so that you'll have the most chances of getting all referrals automatically renewed. It's your responsibility to have enough funds for the renewals and always check if any referral has failed to be renewed automatically.
Use the export list to keep track referral clicks longer than 10 days. It is usefull in studing the clicking patterns and clicking behaviors of referrals. Also best to creat your own spread sheet and customize it to your own preferences. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size. How to import a saved txt file into Excel Version 2003 and Prior: 1. From dropdown menu; Data Import External Data; Import Data Version 2007: 1. From Ribbon: Data; Get External Data; From Text 2. Navigate and select the file to import (make sure "Files of type:" is listed as "All Data Sources".) 3. On the prompt that comes up leave "Delimited" selected and hit Next. 4. On "Delimiters" select "Comma" also change the date to YMD. 5. Finished. Note: Use the export list to keep track of the rented referrals daily clicking stat for analyzing their clicking behaviors or patterns in order to decide when to recycle them. Click this bar to view the image in full size. It's highly recommended to create and customize your own spread sheet to suit your own usage, if you don't have one you may use one of these excel sheets to start with: Download a basic/generic spread sheet here: Using the more advanced spread sheet here: BEST TIME TO EXPORT THE LIST: At end of each day or midnight according to your local time. Exporting about the same time each day is also good. The export list shows rented referrals clicks up to the point your export it. If you miss the export list for the day due to error, you may try to request it by sending a support ticket.
(see this example on how to use the visualization filter) (see this example for slider bar and flags) This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size. From FAQ=>Referrals=>Referral listing What are the flags for? The 8 colored flags let you mark your referrals. This is extremely useful when dealing with many referrals. This way you can define a color for each type of referral according to your own personal preference. For example, when you browse your referral's listing, you'll find some referrals which, according to your standards, are good, bad or average. Imagine you find 5 bad referrals on each page of the listing. You can mark them with the red flag, for example. Later, you can select to filter the listing only by that red flag (option is on the top left of the listing) and it will only show you the referrals you marked with the red flag. This way you'll be able to decide whether to recycle them and focus only on that particular group instead of all referrals. To change the colors of the flags, you have two options: Individually: Just click the flag on the referral you want and select a new color. Group: Mark the checkbox of each referral you want to change the flag color and, at the bottom of the listing, select the option to change the color of the flag for the selected referrals. Then, select the color of the flag you want. From FAQ=>Referrals=>Referral listing What's that slider with two points and with red, yellow and green colors? That slider is a tool to help you visually organize your referrals according to their clicking average. Once you set and activate that, your referral's listing will have colored rows, each with the appropriate color based on the average threshold you defined. The best way to manage the threshold is to let red be the ones with bad average, the yellow a regular average and the green a good average. You'll see two dots in the slider and a value on top of each one. This value will define the average threshold that will define the colors. Every referral with an average below the first dot's value will be marked as red. Every referral with an average above the second dot's value will be marked as green. Everything in between the two dot's values (including) will be marked as yellow. You can apply the changes in real time. Don't forget to save the settings after you've reached your optimum configuration. In addition to this, when you have the color filter activated, you can select referrals based on their color group. To do so, just click on the colored dot on the top right of the listing's header. Clicking it again will deselect all referrals in that group.
PROJECTION CENTER (profit calculator)
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size. NOTE: -Rental and golden pack balance are not used in the calculations -Renewal prices are based on the current day (including additional discounts and membership renewals) Try The Projection Center Here:
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size. From the example only refs that meets the following criteria will be shown: - has red flag - has yellow flag - that are locked - has average between 0.4 ~ 0.7 - has a total clicks of 12 - last clicked between 0 ~ 7 days - since you first got them between 14 ~ 24 days - with any next payment Here's another filter example: You have 120 refs that are marked red flag, and like to see only clickers that are below your current break even point (BEP) average of 0.64 that are also over 3 weeks old... - click only red flag - click yes on Average, enter 0 & 0.64 - click yes on Referral since, enter 21 & 999 days save changes if it still show too many refs and can narrow it down even further by - click yes on Total of clicks, enter 12 & 18 now you can easily select all of them by checking the empty box to the right of the green circle either to recycle, check them, or assign them to a new flag color.


BEP adalah suatu titik dimana biaya investasi sama dengan pendapatan. Suatu titik dimana tidak ada profit dan tidak ada kerugian. BEP rata-rata perlu diketahui ketika menyewa referral, untuk mengetahui posisi dalam keadaan aman atau tidak. Biaya tetap renewal juga diperhitungkan dalam kalkulasi BEP.

Rumus perhitungan BEP untuk anggota Standard:

Dengan jumlah referral sewa 50, dan masa panjang sewa 90 hari.
Catatan: $1 = 100 sen, jadi $ 0.005 = 0.5 sen

([ (panjang masa sewa / 30 hari x (1-diskon%) x harga sewa per referral) = biaya renew per referral per hari (dibulatkan 2 desimal)  x (# jumlah sewa referrals) x 100 = biaya renew total  # per referral per hari dalam sen ]) / (# jumlah referral) /(0.5)/(# panjang hari renewing) = BEP (break even point)

Masukkan # jumlah sewa referral = 50
Masukkan jumlah hari renewing = 90
Renewal Discounts = 18%
Masukkan biaya sewa per referral termasuk tiap diskon =$0.20
Pemasukkan harga yang diperoleh dari klik referral =$0.005 (atau 0.5 sen).

Contoh perhitungan untuk member STANDARD dengan 50 referral, dan masa renewing sewa 90 hari.
(90/30x ( 1-18% ) x $0.20 ) = $0.49
($0.49x50x100)=2450 sen

BEP=2450/50/0.5/90 hari=1.089

Atau 50 x 1.089 = 54 klik per hari untuk mencapai BEP.

Rumus BEP untuk member GOLDEN :
dengan 750 referral dengan masa sewa 240 hari.

Masa sewa / 30 hari x (1-diskon%) x biaya renew per referral)
= biaya renew per referral per hari (dibulatkan 2 desimal)
x (# jumlah referral sewa) x 100 = biaya total renew # per referral per hari dalam sen ]
[ (biaya keanggotaan Golden setahun / 365 hari x jumlah hari renewing x 100 dikonversikan ke sen) = biaya keanggotaaan per hari dalam sen])
/ (# jumlah referral sewa) / (# jumlah hari masa sewa)
= BEP (break even point)

Masukkan # jumlah referral = 750
Jumlah hari masa sewa = 240
Renewal Discounts = 30%
Masukkan biaya sewa per referral per bulan termasuk diskon =$0.22
Masukkan nilai klik per referral =$0.010
Masukkan biaya keanggotaan per tahun =$90.00
Catatan: Gunakan $890 sebagai biaya untuk member Ultimate.

Untuk member GOLDEN dengan 750 referral dan masa sewa 240 hari
(240/30x ( 1-0.3 ) x0.22) = $1.23
($1.23x750x100)=92250 sen
( $90.00 /365x240x100 )=5917.808 sen
=( 92250 + 5917.808 )/750/240 hari=0.545 BEP
Atau 750x0.545 = 409 klik per hari untuk mencapai BEP.

Informasi mengenai harga renewal per referral per bulan, termasuk diskon klik di sini
Informasi lebih lanjut tentang BEP dan perhitungannya (oleh GrTaMaster), klik disini
Informasi BEP rata-rata dengan masa renewal kombinasi klik di sini atau di sini
Penggunaan MS-Excel untuk cek BEP Anda klik disini
Atau menggunakan kalkulator BEP (oleh a123chris7) klik disini.
Perolehan Harian:
[(# jumlah klik rented refs) x (perolehan dari referral per klik)]
[(# jumlah klik direct referral) x (peroleh dari klik per referral)]
[(# jumlah klik Anda) x (perolehan dari klik Anda)]
=Total Perolehan

Pengeluaran Harian:
[(jumlah hari masa sewa) / 30 x (1 - diskon%) x (biaya sewa per referral per bulan)
= (hasilnya dibulatkan 2 desimal)
(# jumlah referral) / (jumlah hari masa sewa)]
=(biaya renewing semua referral per hari)
[(biaya keanggotan per tahun) / 365]
(biaya recycling, atau biaya penggantian referral yang dilakukan manual oleh Anda)
=Total Penegeluaran

Net Profit = (Total Perolehan) - (Total Pegeluaran)

Sebagai contoh: Golden member
dengan 325 rented refs, dengan masa sewa 240 hari
dengan rata-rata BEP 0.7 (325x0.7 = 227.5 klik)
dan 150 klik dari direct refs.:

Perolehan Harian:
(227.5 klik x 0.01)
(150 klik x 0.005)
(9 klik x 0.01)

Total Perolehan = $3.115

Pengeluaran Harian:
[240 / 30 x (1 - 0.30) x 0.21
= 1.18 (dibulatkan 2 desimal)
Biaya renewing = $1.598
(biaya recycle)
Total pengeluaran = $1.844

Net Profit per hari (3.115-1.844) = $1.271

Contoh lagi: Standard member
dengan 100 rented refs dengan masa sewa 150 hari
with a 1.2 avg (100 x 1.2 = 120 klik)

Perolehan Harian:
(120 klik x 0.005)
(4 klik x 0.001)

Total Perolehan = $0.604

Pengeluaran Harian:
[150 / 30 x (1 - 0.25) x 0.20
= 0.75 (dibulatkan 2 desimal)
Biaya renewing = $0.50
(biaya recycle)
Total pengeluaran = $0.50

Net Profit harian (0.604-0.50) = $0.104

Download Spread Sheet Excelnya disini:

Daily Profit Calculator Excel 2007
Daily Profit Calculator Excel 97-2003


User mendapatkan kredit dari klik referral dari:
Extended Exposure, Standard Exposure, and Orange Fixed Advertisements.

Tidak ada kredit yang diperoleh dari referral untuk: Mini, Micro, or Purple Fixed Advertisements.
(Catatan: perhitungan tidak termasuk biaya keanggotan/membership, misalnya untuk Golden, biaya recylingnya = $90/365=0.246575)

Rumus Real average untuk Standard members:
=(total klik) / (# total rented refs) - [(# jumlah refs yang direcycled) x (biaya recycle per ref) / $0.005 (perolehan per klik) / (# total rented refs)]

Rumus Real average untuk Golden members:
=(total klik) / (# total rented refs) - [(# jumlah refs yang recycled) x (biaya recycle per ref) / $0.01 (perolehan per klik) / (# of total rented refs)]

Contoh 1: untuk Standard members

total klik = 240
# total rented refs = 120
recycle 3 refs @ $0.07 masing-masing

=240/120-(3x0.07/0.005/120) = 1.65 real average

Contoh 2: untuk Golden members

total klik = 40
# total rented refs = 30
recycle 2 refs @ $0.07 masing-masing

=40/30-(2x0.07/0.01/30) = 0.8666 real average

Contoh 3: untuk Golden members

total klik = 320
# total rented refs = 400
recycle 0 refs @ $0.07 masing-masing

=320/400-(0x0.07/0.01/400) = 0.8 real average

Real average ini yang perlu dicek dengan jumlah klik untuk mencapai BEP average.

Tabel Biaya Sewa Referral

Tabel harga sewa referral Monthly diatas adalah harga untuk 30 hari pertama member, setelah melewati 30 hari, untuk memperbarui / renewal lihat tabel Harga Renewal dibawah.

Referrals - adalah jumlah rented referrals yang Anda miliki.

Monthly - adalah harga sewa setiap referral.

Autopay - adalah biaya yang dibayar untuk menyewa tiap untuk 1 hari tambahan. Setiap referral yang minimal klik 1 iklan pada satu hari, maka dengan Autopay otomatis referral diperpanjang 1 hari. Jika tidak klik sama sekali, maka Autopay tidak bekerja. Fitur Autopay aktif minimal 20 hari sebelum jatuh tempo pembayaran bulanan. Jika tidak diaktifkan, misalnya biaya renewal 30 hari (1 bulan) adalah $0.2, dengan Autopay menjadi 30x0.0057=$0.17

Contoh 1:
Misalnya Anda saat ini punya 5 rented refs
Akan sewa 100 referral baru.
Harga sewa = $0.20
Total biaya = 100 x $0.20 = $20.00

Contoh 2:
Misalnya Anda saat ini punya 251 rented refs.
Akan sewa 40 referral baru
Harga sewa = $0.21
Total biaya = 40 x $0.21 = $8.40
(ingat: batas jumlah sewa referral untuk standard members adalah 300)

Contoh 3:
Misalnya saat ini Anda punya 750 rented refs
Akan sewa 100 referral baru.
Harga sewa = $0.22
Total biaya = 100 x $0.22 = $22.00

Berikut adalah Tabel Biaya Renewal dan Diskon yang Diberikan

Berikut adalah rumus untuk menghitung biaya renewal:

(biaya bulanan) x (# jumlah bulan) x (1 - diskon%)
(biaya per referral dibulatkan 2 desimal)

Contoh 1:

Golden member dengan 1200 rented referrals, masa sewa 240 hari

biaya sewa bulanan per referral = $0.24
# jumlah bulan = 8
diskon = 30% or ( 1-0.30 )

$0.24 x 8 x 0.70 = $1.344
1.344 dibulatkan 2 desimal = $1.34

$1.34 = biaya untuk renew per referral selama 240 hari.

1200 refs x $1.34 = $1608.00

$1608 adalah biaya yang diperlukan untuk renew 1200 refs selama 240 hari.

Contoh 2:

Standard member with dengan jumlah referral 250 atau kuren, masa sewa 90 hari.

biaya sewa bulanan per referral = $0.20
# jumlah bulan = 3
diskon = 18% or ( 1-0.18 )

$0.20 x 3 x 0.82 = $0.49

$0.49 = biaya untuk tiap referral

Jika Anda punya 100 rented referrals:

100 x $0.49 = $49.00

$49 adalah biaya untuk menyewa rented referrals selama 90 days.

diatas adalah Tabel Sewa Referral PLUS Biaya Renewalnya


Another User Using Your IP Address Already Viewed This Advertisement In The Last 24 Hours
Jawaban pertanyaan pertama : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eumLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
Jawaban pertanyaan kedua : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eumLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
HTTP Error 404 Not found
Jawaban pertanyaan ketiga : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eumLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
When viewing Ad's
Jawaban pertanyaan keempat : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eumLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

F.A.Q - Frequently asked questions

Advertisement sound settings
Sound 1: ding Sound 2: chime Sound 3: bloop Sound 4: whoop Sound 5: spring Sound 6: gong Sound 7: tarzan Sound 8: yodeling This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size. To change the advertisement sound: 1. Click here or settings/personal 2. Under toolbars settings: select a sound or Click on the arrow to hear 3. Enter primary password and save settings 4. Refresh neobux toolbar (right click with mouse to see refresh option) The sound selected will play when a new ad becomes available.
Are referrals really people (short answer, YES)
Sebagian orang mengira Rented referral adalah bots, yang dikendalikan oleh Neobux. Saya pribadi yakin referral adalah manusia asli bukan bots. Singkat kata, karena Neobux memberikan akses ke usernya untuk mangalanisa pola referral. Hal ini dengan muda dilakukan dengan Referral Handy Manager, atau Anda export list data referral Anda ke Excel, dan perhatikan polanya. Seandainya referral ini bots, pasti tidak akan bertahan bertahun-tahun dengan memberikan cash out ke user puluhan ribu dollar per hari. Anda juga bisa cek reputasi page rank di Alexa sepanjang tahun 2008 sampai sekarang stabil antar 300 - 600. Referensi dari forum:
Changing your personal, Payza, or Paypal email addresses
Click here to go directly to your personal settings page: Or - Click on your username To the left menu... Settings - Click on Personal Personal data Personal email address: - Enter your new email address Payza email address: - Enter your new Payza email address PayPal email address: - Enter your new PayPal email address Password confirmation Enter Primary Password: - Click on save changes Email/Account ID changes will only occurs after 48 hours after been requested. P.S. you can have same/different email address for each of your personal email, Payza, or Paypal. changing your personal email address will not change your Payza & PayPal email addresses. You must also enter the info. separately to update them.
Direct referrals name turn red
From the FAQ: I see direct referrals with their username in red Whenever a direct referral has his/her account suspended, the username will be displayed in red. The system automatically and periodically cleans out direct referrals whose accounts have been permanently suspended. Some will remain there for a longer period as their account may only be temporarily suspended and they may return. This way you won't lose them. Reasons that can cause suspension: - Being inactive for 30 (temporary) /60 (permanent) days - 72 hours passed since the referral registered without clicking - Violated the Terms of Service
From where did my direct referral came from
A site "Unknown" means that it came directly to the site with your link. (probably copy-pasted it in the browser's address bar). A site "" means that the referral browse the site before registering like the forum, Terms of Service, etc.
How long do you let a referral go inactive before you recycle it
Depends on his/her previous behavior. If it's the first time that a referral goes inactive is better to give him/her more time (if he/she will stay inactive, then auto-recycling will take care of him/her). If it seems that his/her clicking behavior has beens stabilized to an unprofitable level for you, then this is the perfect candidate for recycling. Keep in mind that the whole situation of your account is another fact that you must take under consideration when you are recycling. In example if you are making enough profit, you can be less strict with your referrals.
How long to wait for a response to a support ticket
Usually the tickets are answered in less than 72 hours but sometimes it can take longer. You will receive the answer in your primary e-mail address. If you received an e-mail with the ticket number of your support request you must wait patiently for their reply. If you didn't received the e-mail with the ticket number, then you need to add the "*****" to the list of trusted senders. This action needs to be done in the email's internet page itself and not in a client (such as outlook) as the clients do not send that information back to the email server. After that send again only one suport ticket. Remember that by sending multiple support tickets for the same subjects can only delay the answer. Questions that can be found in the FAQ, help page or terms of service. Will have low priority.
How to earn in Neobux
The earning process in NeoBux can be described as: -Click your ads every day according to server time. -Rent some more referrals. -Get some direct referrals (after you have met the requirements which are: at least 30 days as a member and 100 of your own clicks). -Manage your referrals wisely (keep daily statistics and use recycling if it's needed and use renewing plans for longer periods to reduce the renewing cost in the long run). -Buy any upgrade that you believe is a useful one when you can afford it. -Repeat the above cycle. Remember that the more money you will invest form your pocket, the more you will speed up the process of building your downline. When you are renting referrals there are 7 options: 1. Rent as many referrals as you can afford and make sure that you have also the funds to renew them for 240 more days in advance. (minimum risk approach). 2. Rent as many referrals as you can afford and make sure that you have also the funds to renew them for 150 more days in advance. (very low risk approach). 3. Rent as many referrals as you can afford and make sure that you have also the funds to renew them for 90 more days in advance. (low risk approach). 4. Rent as many referrals as you can afford and make sure that you have also the funds to renew them for 60 more days in advance. (intermediate risk approach). 5. Rent as many referrals as you can afford and make sure that you have also the funds to renew them for 30 more days in advance. (not too much risk approach). 6. Rent as many referrals as you can afford and make sure that you have also the funds to renew them for 15 more days in advance. (risky approach) 7. Rent as many referrals as you can afford. (the riskier approach). The choice is yours. Remember that the FAQ the help page and the ToS can provide you with plenty of useful info.
How to rent more than 4000 referrals and costs
These are the rent price only for the first 30 days: See the renting limits from the help page: Members with an Ultimate pack can use the rental queue which you can queue 150 after the normal rented limitations. In this case each referral will have a cost of $0.60 plus an additional $0.01 for each 100 referrals that the user has above the limit to a maximum of $1.20. This increased amount is only for rentals and not for extensions. For example, $0.60 for each ref from 4000~4099 $0.61 for each ref from 4100~4199 $0.62 for each ref from 4200~4299 $0.63 for each ref from 4300~4399 $0.64 for each ref from 4400~4499 $0.65 for each ref from 4500~4599 On and on until... always $1.20 maximum for each ref after 10000 refs. Calculation Formula: = (([current # of refs between 4000~10000) - 4000 ] round answer down to the nearest hundred / 100 * $0.01) + $0.60) * 150 For example with 5745 current refs the cost of using the rental queue to add next 150 refs is $115.50 Calculation: (5745 - 4000) = 1745 1745 round down to the nearest hundred = 1700 1700 / 100 * $0.01 = $0.17 $0.17 + $0.60 = $0.77 $0.77 * 150 = $115.50 Few more examples: After you have reached 4000 ref Using the rental queue to rent 150 ref =((0/100*0.01)+0.60)*150 = $90 Total rental refs = 4150 Using the rental queue to rent another 150 =((100/100*0.01)+0.60)*150 = $91.50 Total rental refs = 4300 Using the rental queue to rent another 150 =((300/100*0.01)+0.60)*150 = $94.50 Total rental refs = 4450 On and on until you reach above 10000 refs then each ref will always cost $1.20 each. Using the rental queue for another 150 =((6000/100*0.01)+0.60)*150 = $180.00 These are the renewal price after the first 30 days: Ultimate renewal cost per each ref above 1750 rented referrals: 30 days = $0.23 60 days = $0.43 90 days = $0.59 150 days = $0.90 240 days = $1.34 see all the renewal prices here
How to set you own custom AdAlert sounds
Make sure you have already installed AdAlert or click here to install. for GOOGLE CHROME: Go to the AdAlert settings in your profile and chose a number for the sound example: 7.ogg when you click on it, you will hear the old sound, but when you get a new ad notification, you'll hear the new sound. Enter primary password and save the new setting. Download more adalert sounds: Select the sound you like and rename it from 1.ogg to 8.ogg or the name of a sound that you like to replace. example: 7.ogg Copy and replace the existing 7.ogg in the Google Chromes Sound Folder or similar location: (you can also search for 8.ogg file) example: C:\Users\schen\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\extensions\oaepeijninfcgjdnighjnlgdkkgpnaen\2.1.41_0\sounds for FIREFOX: Go to the AdAlert settings in your profile and chose a number for the sound example: 7.ogg when you click on it, you will hear the old sound, but when you get a new ad notification, you'll hear the new sound. Enter primary password and save the new setting. Download more adalert sounds: Select the sound you like and rename it from 1.ogg to 8.ogg or the name of a sound that you like to replace. example: 7.ogg Copy and replace the existing 7.ogg in the Neobux AdAlert xpi file extension file Under a similar location like this: C:\Users\schen\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\f775g6ns.default \extensions\{eb80b076-a444-444c-a590-5aee5d977d80}.xpi\chrome\skin\sounds\7.ogg for example: - from firefox pulldown menu -> Help -> Troubleshooting Information - under Extensions, find the ID for the Name NeoBux AdAlert is should look similar to this: {eb80b076-a444-444c-a590-5aee5d977d80} - under Application Basics, Profile Folder, click on the button "Show Folder" - click on folder "extensions" - right click on the file name: {eb80b076-a444-444c-a590-5aee5d977d80}.xpi open archive with a zip program like - click on folder "chrome" - click on folder "skin" - click on folder "sounds" - all firefox browsers needs to be closed before you can do the next step - copy/drag the new 7.ogg into the archieve file clicks yes when you get a prompt "Are you sure you want to copy files to archive" - close the zip file - open firefox brower - from firefox pulldown menu click on "Add-ons" - find NeoBux AdAlert extension click on "Disable" and then click on "Restart now" - after restart now click on "Enable" and then click on "Restart now" - that was lots of steps, just one more... take a coffee break, That's it! Credit to the original post for google chrome by user: thendrluca Credit to the original post for firefox by user: mohitlycos
How to upgrade to golden membership
From the users main page or click on your user name. There is an "upgrade" button and just follow the instructions. 1. You can purchase the membership with your main balance. (make sure there is sufficient funds) 2. Using one of the three payment processors AlertPay, Paypal, or Neteller. (where available in your country) 3. Using NeoPoints. (You'll see the option if you have 30000 or more NeoPoints.) NOTE: Do not add money to your Rental balance to purchase the upgrade. The Rental balance is used to pay the costs of managing referrals (renting, extending, recycling, AutoPay, etc) and cannot be used for any other purchase nor can it be cashed out. If you already added money to your rental balance, please send a support ticket here: Also read here for upgrade requirements and benefits
I can't view or click on the Ad's
If you cannot see the ad's at all (not visible), then: Make sure that you are allowing the scripts to be executed on the page. If you can see the ads as unavailable, then: In the low right corner of anyone of the unavailable ads there is a gray star. If you hover your mouse over this star, you will learn why this advertisement is not available right now or when it will be available again. If you can click the ads and you get an error message, then: Try these one step at the time and view the advertisements in between: 1. Try to see the advertisement again immediately after an error occurs. 2. Clear the browser's cache. 3. Logout, clear the browser's cookies and login again. 4. Try another browser (this will determine if the problem is related to any browser plug-in. -If this is the problem disable one by one the plug-ins to find where is the problem). 5. Add to the white list of your security program (antivirus, firewall etc...) those links: 6. Disable any firewall / spyware / Antivirus just to try. 7. Reinstall the Flash plug-in and enable it. 8. Reboot the router/modem. 9. Clear the local DNS cache: - Windows: Start -> Run ->Type "cmd" and press enter ->In the command window type "ipconfig /flushdns" - Mac OSX versions 10.5.2 and later: Terminal -> dscacheutil -flushcache - Mac OSX versions 10.5.1 and before: terminal -> lookupd -flushcache 10. Try not to use open dns and see what happens. 11. Install the latest java. Note: There is an amount of clicks assigned to each advertisement and when maximum clicks reached, the advertisement expires and it may give an error message.
I forgot my password
1st method Go to this page: Enter the following data and a new password to your personal email address Enter your username: Birth Year: Verification Code: If you still can't recover your password try the 2nd method 2nd method Send a support ticket and tell them what happened. Provide them in the support ticket: - Your birth year. - Up to 3 reference numbers for purchases you've made. - Up to 3 reference numbers for cashouts you've made. - Your IP address. (Find your IP Address here: - A new e-mail address so they can communicate with you. Send a support ticket here:
I have not receive the email verification
he registration only gets recorded if the user enters the code sent by email. If he/she closes the window, etc, the registration won't be recorded so he/she can register again. The "Junk" or "Spam" folder are the typical way email servers deal with what they don't know but sometimes, the email can even be blocked right before it reaches the user's inbox. Adding the "" domain to the list of trusted senders is a good way if nothing is in the spam folder. This action needs to be done in the email's internet page itself and not in a client (such as outlook) as the clients do not send that information back to the email server.
Money reduced from my main balance
Here are some of the possible causes: - A rented referral expired (see T.O.S 3.4) The fees are: Standard members: $0.02 Golden members: $0.04 Golden members with a Golden Pack: $0.05 Golden members after their first consecutive year: $0.03 Golden members with a Golden Pack after their first consecutive year: $0.02 And is deducted from your main balance. If main balance is insufficient then it will be a negative balance. - AutoPay is enabled The value for each referral/day will be deducted from your rental balance. If your rental balance has insufficient funds, it will deduct from your main balance. If both balances have insufficient funds, it won't be triggered and will only work again when one of the balances has enough funds. - AutoRenew is enabled AutoRenew renews your referral's deadline based on your chosen renewal period and time before expiration. The value for each referral will be deducted from your rental balance. If your rental balance has insufficient funds, it will deduct from your main balance. If both balances have insufficient funds, it won't be triggered and will only work again when one of the balances has enough funds. - You transfered funds to your rental balance The rental balance is used to pay the costs of managing referrals (renting, extending, recycling, AutoPay, etc) and cannot be used for any other purchase nor can it be cashed out. - You requested a cashout The minimum amount paid is $2.00 on the first cashout. This amount will increase by $1.00 for each cashout until it reaches a fixed minimum amount of $10.00. After that, the minimum amount will always be $10.00 - You recycle or manually renew rented referrals and not enough money in your rental balance. - You transfered funds to the rental balance or golden pack balance (available only for golden members) The rental balance is used to pay the costs of managing referrals (renting, extending, recycling, AutoPay, etc) and cannot be used for any other purchase nor can it be cashed out. Golden pack balance can only be used to purchase, upgrade or extend a Golden Pack.
Not receiving Points or credit from Point/Coin offers
Go to: - click on the View status link - scroll down the offer details and look at the status - you'll see "Pending (waiting for advertiser's approval) Missing Points?" - click on the Missing Points link - read the FAQ and possible reasons for not receiving points - send a ticket if it's needed Note: Keep all proofs of completion (PIN numbers, confirmation texts, member registrations, payment receipts, invoices, etc.) for your records. To speed up the customer support process SupersonicAds will request proof of completion. - if the above procedure doesn't work you can send an email to SupersonicAds: NOT RECEIVING CREDIT FROM COIN OFFERS: (Coins will be credited to your account 30 days after the offer is validated. You can consult your pending Coins in your account's summary page.) Important: Most offers are typically confirmed within 30 minutes but may take up to 1 business day. Please wait until the required time has passed before contacting support. - go to the offer wall page - click on the Support/help/status button / link - scroll down the offer name and look at the status - click on the link next to the offer and submit your ticket.
Rented referrals delayed or not being autorecycled/exchanged
Some reasons being: * Full inactive days must have passed. * Referrals are not locked. * Rreferrals are recycled throughout the day. This means that after they've been marked as inactive (depending on each user's inactivity period) they'll be recycled during the day. Instead of seeing blocks of referrals being recycled in a few hours you'll see a few each minute.
Unable to cashout
Having trouble cashing out? Try the following steps: - Clear browser cache. - Make sure that you are logging-in from the same country for at least 7 consecutive days. - Make sure that you are not using any proxy. (which violates the TOS 2.3) - Verify with your ISP that they are not using proxy. - Someone might have cashout already from your current IP address, try to reset your modem until you get a new IP address and try again. After trying the above steps if you are still unable to cashout contact support here: also read this post:
What are cashoffers
For each advertisement you see you'll have an opportunity to earn $0.50 each hour. To be eligible for a prize, all you need to do is view advertisements. For each seen you'll have a "ticket" for a draw. Now you can choose to see all advertisements in one hour or one each hour. For each hourly draw, you can only win once but you can win each hour as long as you see advertisements the hour before (for example, the winners for all users that saw advertisements from 9:00 to 9:59 will be draw at 10:00). You'll see a history log with the prize if you win and your main balance credited. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size. posts by Admin : 2011/03/13 Important advertisement changes (120 prizes per hour) 2010/11/13 Let's raise prizes a bit (60 prizes per hour) 2010/10/19 View advertisements: It's worth it! (40 prizes per hour) Credits to users mdim & reggen666
When can I get direct referrals
TOS 3.10. Users can only have direct referrals after being a member for at least 15 days and having at least 100 clicks. Any attempts to get them before that will fail. An easy way to check if you have met the requirements is to: -Click on your username (up within the black toolbar) -Click on "banners" in the left menu or click here: If you see a warning message that you must have 15 days and 100 clicks then you must wait. If the warning message is not there, then you have met the requirements and you can have direct referrals from here on. You are also able to get direct referrals if you can see this blue icon For example: After 100 clicks and if you registered on 2011/03/25 at 14:30 you must wait 15 full days (15x24hr) have passed or until after 2011/04/10 at 14:30
Why am I not seeing a profit
an example for golden members: (for standard members just double the clicks needed) said you extend ref #1 for 90 days @ $0.49 ref #1 has 90 days to make the money back for you. funds are needed at first to lower the renewal expense and then make it back over a period of 90 days. BEP for less than 250 refs renewing @ 90 days is 1.089 so at least average 1 clicks every day or 4 clicks every 4 days you'll need a total of about 98 clicks in 90 days too stay above profit. when a refs is not performing the above example clicking pattern 4 clicks every 4 days, or 7 clicks every 10 days, or 10 clicks every 10 days then you can recycle ref #1 with a new one in hoping the new ref will perform better to fill in place of ref #1 for the duration of the 90 days left. since you paid $0.07 for a new refs to replace the lazy one, the more data you have to judge the refs before you recycle the better you can know if you recycle the bad clicker. during the 90 days keep track of the performance to see if the refs or "slot" is on track to reach 98 clicks or more for every $0.07 recycling cost you can subtract 7 clicks and at the end of 90 days you can add up all the clicks and subtract any recycling expense in between and you'll see the total profit or loss. you can monitor the performance weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly: 1st month 40 clicks - 7 clicks = 33 clicks 2nd month 50 clicks - 7 clicks = 43 clicks 3rd month 55 clicks - 14 clicks = 41 clicks Total = 145 - 28 = 117 clicks we'll needed 98 clicks to break even: 117 - 98 = 19 click x $0.01 per click = $0.19 profit at the end of 90 days.
Why can't I add more funds to the rental balance
The max amount of money you add to your rental balance is related to your membership and the amount of refs you current have. The more refs you have the higher that value will be up to a maximum of 1000$. It shouldn't be an issue for you as the biggest ref pack for standard members only costs 20$
Why forum threads/topics gets locked
Threads or topics are locked when at least one correct answers are replied to the questions and you cannot reply to a locked threads. Threads are also locked to prevent and avoid off-topics. Many of the questions can be found from reading the T.O.S (terms of service), Help page, FAQ or a simple search. You can always open a new topic if you can't find the answers or have more problems or doubts.
Why referrals don't click on all their ads
WHY REFERRALS DON'T CLICK ON ALL THEIR ADS (this is a direct observation from one of my direct referral/friend) It's not a matter of how many ads available to click but more of personal priorities, goals and situations. Here are list of why's: 1. Job changes 2. After 6 months and still don't know how to click according server time 3. Computer / Network connection problems 4. Picking up child from daycare 5. Distracted from clicking while playing online games 6. Kids fighting and crying 7. Phone calls from work and co-workers (many times through out the day) 8. Distracted from watching movies on his android 9. Spending time with child and shopping 10. Playing with the kids 11. When to buy dinner, prepare meals, and feeding the kid 12. Spending xxx time with spouse 13. Have other hobby/interest to do 14. New toys / gadgets to learn and play with 15. Distracted from latest electronics stuff 16. Taking kid to bed 17. Exahausted / tired after work 18. Stress out from disciplining the kid 19. Divorce / personal problems 20. Court papers / running errands 21. Driving 5 hr to mothers house for the weekend 22. Child is sick 23. Day car is over charging 24. Boss requested to work OT and stay late 25. Need to work on weekends because new employee quite 26. Chatting with friends on other social sites / game forums 27. Child not wanting to sleep 28. Late for work 29. Friends needing help with moving 30. Recreation / trips That's it for now... More examples here:
Why rented referrals averages are low
WHY RENTED REFERRALS AVERAGES ARE LOW (Any average above your BEP is a profitable average) Here are some possible causes of low averages for rented referrals: Not clicking daily according to server time Missing too many days of your own daily ad clicks Refs clicking days are getting farther apart (could be an indication of clicking activity is slowing) Refs are clicking less than your current BEP Recycling too many refs more than 4~5% each day (too many 0 clickers and newly exchanged referrals) Recycling too many 0 clickers Too much static recycling (adjust to changes and current account conditions) Insufficient data to study referrals when recycling (at least 3 weeks or more the better) Recycling refs close to being auto-recycling (7 or more days of inactivity) Renewing too many refs at 15 days or 30 days Too low number amounts of rented referrals (higher chances of average fluctuations) Too many refs clicking unprofitable at regular bases Not recycling enough Here are some possible solutions: Clicking daily according to server time (doing so to earn from your refs clicks everyday) Click your ads daily (not missing any day of earnings) Monitor refs clicking activities or patterns (helps to reduce unprofitable clickers) Recycle unprofitable refs (focus on older refs because you have more data to judge them with) Recycle and test your results on smaller group of selected referrals Recommended not to recycle 0 clickers (because there is no data to judge them with) Change and adapt your current recycling policy to current account condition (if the current recycling is not working you must change the way how you select the referrals to recycle) Read Admin's post about over-recycling Use the export list to gather more data Recycling refs too close of being auto-recycling (let the auto-recycle take care of them for free) Renewing for longer days to lower the BEP average and risks Increase # of refs to meet your budget/goal and as your managing skills increases Locate and find refs to monitor or recycle that are clicking unprofitably Many times older refs activity slows down to a unprofitable level while the averages are still high identify those refs who are now for example: only making 2 or 3 clicks every 7 days etc. to be monitored or recycled


TERMS OF SERVICE (TOS) (located to the lower right corner)
Syarat dan Ketentuan

Syarat dan Ketentuan ini berlaku bagi Anda sebagai anggota, menjadi pengguna atau pemasang iklan di Neobux.
Sebagai pengguna terdaftar pada Neobux, Anda mengkonfirmasikan bahwa Anda telah membaca, mengerti dan menerima Syarat dan Ketentuan berikut. Jika Anda tidak setuju kepada aturan tersebut, Anda tidak dapat menggunakan servis kami.

1.1. Anda memiliki akses untuk membaca isi forum, kecuali untuk area pribadi.
1.2. Apabila Anda sudah terdaftar menjadi anggota dan sudah login , Anda dapat membuat topik baru atau poling dan menjawab atau melakukan vote pada topik yang sudah ada di forum dan Anda memiliki akses ke Chat.
1.3. Anda harus menghormati setiap pengguna dalam setiap sektor atau dikenakan penalti ban dari mereka jika Anda tidak mematuhinya 1.4. Anda memiliki hak untuk mengekspresikan diri Anda tanpa menggangu user lain.
1.5. Semua jenis publisitas, upaya untuk mendapatkan referal, menawarkan uang/pertukaran/permintaan dan penawaran atau permintaan untuk jasa dilarang di Forum post/topik dan di dalam Chat. Spamming Forum dan Chat dengan post/pesan omong kosong, topik diduplikasi, konten ilegal, berbagi alamat email, link, situs sosial dan ID instant messenger juga dilarang.
1.6. Setiap tuduhan tanpa bukti, ancaman intimidasi, atau tidak menghormati Neobux dan / atau Neobux staf / asisten, di sini atau di tempat lain akan dianggap tidak menghormati dan bisa mengakibatkan pencabutan hak untuk menggunakan Forum dan Chat dan suspensi akun permanen, suspensi sementara dari membership atau manfaat lainnya.
1.7. Postingan topik atau pesan yang dapat secara langsung atau tidak langsung merugikan Neobux, penggunanya, sponsor atau penyedia layanan akan dianggap pelanggaran dan sangat dilarang.
1.8. Anda harus melihat minimal 250 iklan sebelum Anda menggunakan Forum dan Chat.

2.1. Karena Kata Sandi (Password) Anda harus dijaga kerahasiaannya dari pengguna lain, Kami menyimpannya dalam format yang diacak. Jika seseorang melakukan hack terhadap Akun Anda, Kami tidak bertanggung jawab. Jika Anda meminta ( Request ) password Anda, Kami akan mengirimkannya melalui Email Anda.
2.2. Anda hanya diperbolehkan memiliki satu akun. Setiap percobaan untuk membuat lebih dari satu akun, akan menyebabkan ditutupnya semua akun yang Anda buat. Ini juga berlaku pada akun Payza / PayPal / NETELLER yang bersifat unik dan tidak dapat digunakan bersama dengan user lainnya.
2.3. Anda hanya dapat melihat suatu iklan dengan menggunakan alamat IP yang sama dalam interval 24 jam. Setiap usaha untuk melakukan hal lain diluar ketentuan diatas, dapat dikenakan sangsi ditutupna akun Anda. Namun Anda dapat melakukan login dengan beberapa alamat IP berbeda. Logging In via proxy/VPN atau jaringan yang dipakai bersama ( sekolah, LAN rumah, warnet ) tidak diperbolehkan.
2.4. Alamat Email Anda tidak akan di publikasi, diberikan ke orang lain, atau dijual.
2.5. Akun tidak dapat ditransfer
2.6. NeoBux tidak akan memodifikasi informasi akun pengguna berdasarkan permohonan pengguna.
2.7. Pengguna yang menggunakan Identitas atau Informasi palsu saat mendaftar atau saat merubah setting pribadi ( Personal Setting ) akan dikenakan sangsi pemblokiran Akun mereka.
2.8. Hanya satu akun yang dapat digunakan dalam satu komputer yang diperbolehkan melihat Iklan. Jika satu komputer digunakan untuk lebih dari satu akun, maka akun-akun tersebut akan diblokir permanen.
2.9. Anda hanya dapat menggunakan 3 komputer berbeda dalam kurun waktu 10 hari untuk melihat Iklan. Segala bentuk percobaan menggunakan Komputer lebih dari itu dalam kurun waktu yang ditentukan akan menyebabkan pemblokiran akun Anda.
2.10. Anda tidak diijinkan untuk melakukan redirect otomatis ke website Neobux dari website lain atau memasang Website Neobux di website lain baik terlihat maupun tidak.
2.11. Cara apapun secara manual atau otomatis untuk me-load atau melihat halaman secara intensif akan mengakibatkan suspensi akun secara permanen.

3.1. Anda diijikan merefer orang sebanyak mungkin.
3.2. Setiap orang yang akan menjadi Referral Anda, harus menggunakan email tunggal
3.3. Anda tidak diijinkan untuk memaksa seseorang menjadi referral Anda. Kami akan melakukan pemeriksaan jika hal tersebut terjadi yang dapat menyebabkan penutupan akun Anda.
3.4. Untuk referal sewaan berlaku ketentuan penggantian. Jika dalam 14 hari salah satu referal sewaan Anda sama sekali tidak melakukan klik iklan, secara otomatis Anda akan mendapatkan referal penganti tanpa tambahan biaya dan berlaku setiap kali ketentuan diatas terpenuhi. Ketentuan ini hanya berlaku untuk referal sewaan dan referal Anda hanya akan digantikan jika ada pengganti yang tersedia. Referral sewaan didistribusikan berdasarkan ketentuan aktifitas namun Kami tidak dapat meramalkan atau menjamin bagaimana mereka akan bersikap sesudahnya. Jika Anda tidak memperpanjang masa sewa dari referral sewa Anda, maka Anda akan dikenakan biaya antara $0,02 sampai $0,05 tergantung jenis keanggotaan Anda.
3.5. Anda hanya akan mendapatkan bayaran dari referral yang direferensikan langsung oleh Anda atau yang Anda sewa
3.6. Anda hanya dapat menyewa Referal jika Referal Sewaan tersedia dan jumlah Referal Sewaan Anda belum mencapai batas limit jumlah Referal Sewaan sesuai keanggotaan Anda saat ini. Memiliki referal lebih dari jumlah yang diizinkan akan mengakibatkan dibatalkannya semua pendapatan dari referal Anda.
3.7. Klik yang Anda hasilkan melalui referal berhubungan langsung dengan klik yang Anda buat.
Jika Anda meng-klik minimal 4 iklan sebagai Standard / Pioneer member atau minimal 9 iklan sebagai Golden member, Anda akan mendapatkan semua klik yang dibuat oleh referal.
Jika klik yang Anda buat kurang dari itu, pendapatan maksimal yang akan Anda dapatkan hanyalah jumlah klik yang Anda buat dikalikan dengan jumlah referal yang Anda miliki.
Referal klik akan dihitung berdasarkan klik yang Anda buat pada hari sebelumnya.
Perhitungan ini berdasarkan waktu server yang dapat dilihat pada halaman "Lihat Iklan".
Iklan-iklan yang dihitung adalah: Extended Exposure, Standard Exposure, and Orange Fixed Advertisements.
3.8. Referral tidak dapat mengubah siapa yang telah mereferensikan dirinya.
3.9. Jumlah referral dibatasi berdasarkan jenis keanggotaan dan lamanya waktu keanggotaan. Pengguna dapat melihat batas ini di halaman daftar referal langsung.
3.10. Pengguna hanya diperbolehkan memiliki referal langsung setelah menjadi anggota selama lebih dari 15 hari dan setidaknya memiliki 100 klik. Segala percobaan untuk mendapat referal langsung sebelum kedua ketentuan ini dipenuhi, akan gagal.

4.1. Setiap percobaan, dengan cara apapun, untuk melakukan Hack sistem, akan dicatat
4.2. Kadangkala kami akan memperingatkan Anda, kadang tidak. Saat Anda melakukan permintaan pembayaran, sistem kami akan menganalisa terlebih dahulu. Biasanya, percobaan hack system akan menyebabkan penutupan Akun Anda.
4.3. Kami tidak selalu menginformasikan jika Akun Anda Kami tutup. Jika Kami menginformasikannya, Kami akan memberitahu lewat email, jika tidak, Anda akan diberitahu sesaat setelah Anda mencoba menggunakan layanan Neobux.

5.1. Pembayaran akan dilakukan melalui Payza, Paypal dan NETTELER. Tidak ada alat pembayaran lain tersedia untuk saat ini. Anda hanya bisa meminta pembayaran dengan jumlah tak terbatas ke Payment Proccessor yang Anda gunakan untuk melakukan pembelian dengan jumlah total pembelian tertinggi. Jumlah maksimal yang bisa Anda request ke Payment Proccessor lainnya adalah senilai dengan jumlah pembelian yang Anda lakukan melalui Payment Proccessor tersebut. Jika jumlah pembelian dari dua atau lebih payment proccessor adalah sama, maka Anda bisa meminta pembayaran tak terbatas ke payment proccessor manapun.
5.2. Semua transaksi dilaksanakan sesuai permintaan atau dalam waktu 48 jam setelah permintaan jika payment processor tidak berfungsi.
5.3. Jumlah minimum adalah $2.00 pada penarikan pertama. Jumlah ini akan meningkat sebesar $1,00 untuk setiap penarikan sampai mencapai jumlah minimum tetap sebesar $10.00. Dari jumlah yang dibayarkan dapat dikurangi biaya tergantung pada prosesor pembayaran yang Anda digunakan. 5.4. Anda hanya dapat melakukan satu transaksi pada satu waktu.
5.5. Kami bertanggung jawab hanya untuk mengirimkan pembayaran Anda ke prosesor pembayaran. Setiap tindakan setelah itu akan ditangani oleh dukungan prosesor pembayaran.
5.6. Anda harus memiliki alamat email PayPal atau Payza NETELLER ID yang benar dan berlaku saat ini. Untuk menerima pembayaran Anda yang dikirim oleh PayPal, pastikan Anda memiliki akun PayPal di negara di mana negara tersebut dapat menerima uang melalui PayPal dan login dari salah satu negara tersebut.
5.7. Setelah meminta bayaran, pengguna harus menunggu 4 hari untuk meminta bayaran lagi.
5.8. Pengguna harus menerima pembayaran ke akun PayPal, NETELLER atau Payza mereka dalam waktu 30 hari kalender atau pembayaran akan dibatalkan dan tidak akan dikembalikan.
5.9. Setiap pengembalian dari transaksi apapun yang kami kirimkan akan diabaikan dan tidak akan ditambahkan kembali ke akun Anda atau dikirim ulang.

6.1. Kami menerima semua jenis iklan kecuali iklan yang keluar dari jalurnya, memiliki kode berbahaya, me-redirect ke halaman lain, memiliki konten dewasa atau ilegal, berisi tawaran apapun mengenai multi-level, berisi referensi penjualan dan yang berisi perjudian/taruhan , konten perjudian atau yang dimiliki oleh sebuah perusahaan judi. Selain itu, setiap iklan yang menggunakan nama Neobux untuk semua layanan yang tidak berhubungan tidak diperbolehkan.Lamanya website yang Anda iklankan harus diload dalam waktu 10 detik dimana sebuah progress bar akan mulai menghitung periode exposure pada waktu itu. Website yang Anda iklankan harus diumumkan mampu mendukung beberapa kunjungan per detik.
6.2. Anda, sebagai user, hanya dapat menghasilkan dana dari iklan satu kali 24 jam
6.3. Kami memiliki hak untuk menolak iklan apa saja yang tidak berkenan ditampilkan
6.4. Iklan tidak dapat dilihat melalui ponsel. Iklan hanya dapat diklik dengan menggunakan mouse dan tidak dengan cara lain. Dengan berlaku demikian akan berlajut pada permanen suspensi akun.

7.1. Semua transaksi harus dilakukan dengan menggunakan link yang tersedia pada "akun Anda". Metode transaksi lainnya tidak akan diterima.
7.2. Semua transaksi tidak dapat dikembalikan
7.3. Pembayaran kepada Neobux dilakukan menggunakan PayPal dan Payza yang telah diverifikasi. Pembayaran yang dilakukan menggunakan akun PayPal atau Payza tidak diverifikasi tidak akan diterima.
7.4. Semua Chargeback atau transaksi dibatalkan atas pembayaran Anda akan menyebabkan suspensi akun secara langsung.

8.1. Kami berhak untuk men-suspensi akun Anda kapanpun untuk alasan apapun yang valid, tidak terbatas pada, kurangnya rasa hormat kepada Syarat dan Ketentuan kami.
8.2. Semua akun yang disuspensi akan direset semua saldo mereka, semua referal diambil dan pengembalian uang tidak akan diberikan.
8.3. Semua akun yang disuspensi akan diarsipkan dan Anda tidak dapat mendaftar lagi dengan menggunakan username atau alamat email yang sama .
8.4. Setelah 30 hari tidak aktif, akun Anda akan disuspensi sementara dan secara permanen setelah 60 hari tidak aktif. Seorang pengguna yang tidak aktif selama 72 jam setelah registrasi, akun akan disuspensi secara permanen.
8.5. Kami tidak akan menghapus akun pengguna untuk alasan apapun baik jika mereka aktif, dihentikan atau disuspensi.

9.1. Neobux tidak bertanggung jawab atas keterlambatan atau kegagalan apapun yang tidak berhubungan langsng dengan Neobux dan diluar kontrol kami.
9.2. Neobux berhak untuk mengubah Syarat dan Ketentuan kapan saja, termasuk harga, penawaran khusus, manfaat dan aturan, antara lain, dan juga memiliki hak untuk membatalkan layanan setiap saat dan tanpa pemberitahuan apapun.
9.3. Neobux tidak bertanggung jawab atas, pengguna, pengiklan atau iklan. Ini juga termasuk semua supplier yang padanya kami bergantung.
9.4. NeoBux tidak bertanggung jawab atas pembayaran pajak bagi Anda melalui apa yang Anda terima dari kami. Ini adalah tanggung jawab Anda untuk melaporkan apa yang Anda terima dan membayar pajak di negara Anda.

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